Birthday's and Targets Part 1

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'Today is the day' I thought as I got out of bed. Every once in a while there is a day where I don't have to be a prince. No lessons, no expectations, a day when anything can happen! A day where I can change my fate! I rushed to get dressed and ran to Y/n's room to wake her up, but she wasn't there. After looking around the castle I found her in the kitchen packing.

-"Good Morning!" I hummed, she must have not heard me come in because she was startled at the sound of my voice.

-"Good Morning, Happy Birthday!" she walked over and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, my cheeks tinted light pink as I hugged back.

-"What are you doing?" I questioned looking around in the bag she had set on the table.

-"I'm packing sweets and fruits to have after horse trip"

-"Oh, anything I can help with?"

-"You can get the horses ready, I'll meet you there once I'm done here"

-"Alright" I grabed an apple to eat along the way as I took my leave.

Arriving at the stables I groomed and harnessed the horses. Our horses were some type of draft horses known as shire's. Mine was black with long white socks and a white marking on its face,  while Y/n's was completely white with some light grey-ish spots on its back that faded as it got closer to the legs and belly. After a while Y/n arrived, she also had changed into some red dress with white.

-"Ready?" I asked.

-"Yup, let's go" she mumbled excitedly.

I got my bow and arrows and an extra for Y/n, I wanted to teach her to shoot today. We rode for a while with me shooting at targets and hitting the center every time. After a while we mounted down and sat on the grass to eat, once finished I set up multiple targets and passed a bow to Y/n. She looked at me questioningly as I looked in my bag for some arrows.

-"What are you doing?" she asked while she stood up and dusted off her clothes.

-"I'm gonna teach you to shoot"

-"Oh...okay" she replied, with what seemed like a smirk hinted on her face.

After briefly explaining what to do, she got into position and shot an arrow hitting the very center. 'Beginners luck' thought as she moved onto the next, once again center. 'Okay maybe it's just beginners' luck again' I assured myself as she continued shooting, she had hit every center on every single target I had set up.


Happy New Years! 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя