The Call of Home

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(In the middle of the sea, a ship is sailing through a thunderstorm.)

Captain: Secure that jib, band those hatches, and for the love of Pete, somebody tie those barrels down!

Mariano: Aye aye, cap!

(The captain is nearly swept off the ship, holding onto the railing.)

Captain: Kwon, get the wheel!

(Kwon climbs up and grabs the wheel, but is swept into the water.)

Kwon: Over here! Help!

Mariano: Man overboard! Man overboard!

Captain: Mariano, the spotlight! Collins, toss the life buoys! Boys, quick! Kwon! Where is he? Do you see him?

Mariano: Kwon! Kwon!

Collins: Where are you? Kwon! Huh?

(A blue light glows from beneath the surface.)

Captain: What was that?

(Under the sea, a water dragon swims toward Kwon.)

Mariano: Kwon!

(The dragon rises from the ocean with Kwon in her mouth.)

Captain: Look out! It's coming!

Mariano: It's got Kwon!

(The dragon sets Kwon on the boat.)

Kwon: You saved me. Thank you!

Dragon: You're welcome.

Mariano: I - I know that voice.

Captain: Yes. Nya! It sounded like Nya the ninja!

Dragon: Nya? (She flies above the ship before diving into the sea.)

Kwon: Thank you, Nya.

(In the Endless Sea, the dragon swims, speaking out loud.)

Dragon: Nya. Nya? Do I know that name? I think I do. Nya. Yes. I do. Nya, from Ninjago. And there was someone else. Wasn't there? Who was it? Who?

(A bright light appears, which turns into Nyad in her water form.)

Nyad: Hello?

Dragon: Who are you?

Nyad: I am one with the sea. Like you.

Dragon: One, with the sea? I've heard that before.

Nyad: I've been watching you. You saved that man who fell off a boat. Why did you do that?

Dragon: Because it was the right thing to do.

Nyad: Right? Many have fallen into the sea. Many are lost and do not return. It is neither right, nor wrong. It is simply the way of the sea. Yet, you interfered. Why?

Dragon: It's who I am.

Nyad: And who is that?

Dragon: I - I don't know. I think I've forgotten. I lost something.

Nyad: Perhaps you will find it again. Most things turn up eventually. They either sink to the bottom, or float to the surface.

Dragon: The bottom?

Nyad: Come see.

Dragon: Wait. Wait for me!

Nyad: See? Is this what you're looking for?

Dragon: I ... don't think so.

Nyad: Then perhaps you should look above. On the surface.

Dragon: Thank you. I think I will.

Nyad: Good luck.

(The dragon swims to the surface and finds the floating lanterns from the candlelight vigil.)

Dragon: Oh.

(She turns to read the words on the lantern.)

Dragon: "Dear Nya. Thank you for saving my mommy. We miss you."

(She turns to read another.)

Dragon: "Dear Nya. Thank you for teaching me that ninja never quit."

(She turns to read the words on the lantern.)

Dragon: "Dear Nya. I never met you but mom told me about you."

(She leans close to read yet another.)

Dragon: "Dear Nya. We miss you. Jay must be very sad without you. Come home." (She gasps.) Jay. Kai!

(She regains her memories through a flashback.)

Past Maya: Sometimes, there are no good choices, Nya. And that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Past Jay: You're the master of Water. There's no one more connected to the sea than you!

Nya: I ... am Nya! (She regains her humanoid water form. Rising above the surface, she sees all the lanterns floating towards the lighthouse.) Jay!

(She lands on the shore and enters the lighthouse.)

Nya: Jay? Jay? It's me! Nya! (She sees Jay's bearded self portrait.) How long have I been gone? (She suddenly loses her humanoid form.) Ugh! Hello? Is anyone here? Anyone? (She struggles to hold her humanoid form without much success.) Oh come on, Nya. You can do it. You can do it! (She makes it to the window and sees the ocean.) I must ... get ... back. (She leaps back into the ocean.)

(Hearing the sound of a whale, she finds Nyad swimming alongside them.)

Nya: There you are. I was looking everywhere for you.

Nyad: Oh. Hi. Did you find yourself?

Nya: Yes, I did! I remember everything. And I remember you! You are Nyad!

Nyad: Am I? I don't remember that.

Nya: You fought Wojira with Lilly, thousands of years ago!

Nyad: Oh! That's nice. Have you met my friends, the whales? Oh, I love their song. Listen!

Nya: It's pretty, but not now. Please, I need your help. I need to know how to break free from the ocean. To go home.

Nyad: You can't. This is your home now.

Nya: No! There has to be a way!

Nyad: You merged with the sea. That cannot be undone. It is connected to you. To your very essence. To your elemental powers.

(Disappointed, Nya sinks to the bottom of the sea.)

Nyad: Why are you sad? You have everything. You are eternal, and endless. You are an ocean full of wonder and life. Your former body is a small and frail thing. Why would you want to go back to it?

Nya: Because, Jay and Kai. And Master Wu. And all my friends are there. I can never be happy here. And I'm terrified that if I stay here any longer, I'll begin to forget again. Forget who I am. Who I was.

Nyad: I am sorry, Nya. But the sea is connected to your Elemental Powers. And there is no way to give those up.

Nya: My powers.

Nyad: Yes. They are connected to the essence of your being.

Nya: If I could give up my power somehow ... then, I could sever myself from the sea?

Nyad: Perhaps. I don't know. But there is no way to change what you are. You are your powers. Without them, what would you be?

Nya: That was my greatest fear. Losing my powers, becoming ordinary ... but it's not anymore.

Nyad: Isn't it? What is, then?

Nya: Losing my friends. And if being with them again means I have to give up my powers, then I'll find a way to do that. (She gives Nyad a hug.)

Nyad: Oh my.

Nya: Thank you. Thank you for everything! I have to go now.

Nyad: Go where?

Nya: Home. (She takes off with a blast.)

Nyad: Good luck, Nya.

The Lego Ninjago Series 2Where stories live. Discover now