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(Atop the Crystal Island, the Overlord approaches Harumi)

Overlord: So, the ninja yet live. And now the Green and Dark Purple Ninja has escaped.

Harumi: Forgive me, my lord.

Overlord: You should have destroyed them when you had the chance. But I see now, that you still have feelings for at boy.

Harumi: That's not true! I hate—

Overlord: Silence! Nevertheless, this presents an opportunity. I was trying to destroy the ninja, but that would only unleash their powers, which, in time, might find new champions. But if I corrupted them instead, then the very powers of creation would be mine!

Harumi: Then I must find a way to bring the ninja to you.

Overlord: No. I will handle that.

Harumi: How?

Overlord: I will strike at their precious city. They will do what they always do. They will come to me.

(The Crystal Island floats towards a rice farm and the villagers look up)

Villager #1: No way.

Villager #2: Look at the size of that thing.

(The ninja arrive on their vehicles)

Cole: What exactly are we looking for?

Kai: I don't know. Master Wu didn't give us much of a description.

Jay: Sure he did. He said we couldn't miss it. He said it would be obvious.

Lilly: Right, but obvious to him might not be obvious to ... (Spots the Crystal Island and halts Cole's car)

Kai: Cole! Lilly!

Jay: Yeah, what's ...

Cole: Master Wu was right.

Lilly: It's obvious.

(The Crystal Island's mouth opens and fires Vengestone Guards at the villagers)

Jay: Are those boulders?

Kai: I don't think so. What are we waiting for? Let's roll.

Ninja: Ninja, go!

Cole: (blasts Vengestone Guards away from two villagers.) That was close! Everyone okay? (gasps.) Look out! Let's try this again. (fires at approaching Vengestone Guards)

Lilly: Hey! Run! Get out of here!

(Jay fires electricity at the Vengestone Guards, but it has no effect on them)

Jay: Oh, great. These jokers are made of Vengestone!

Cole: So this is what the Vengestone buyer was up to? Building a crystal army?

Kai: Not good. If Vengestone can squash out our powers, what do those crystals do?

(A Vengestone Guards march towards villagers, one of them touchs him and he turns into a crystal zombie)

Jay: Ah! It just turned him into a crystal zombie!

Cole: There's your answer.

Kai: Okay, important safety tip. Don't let those things touch you.

Cole: Look out!

Kai: And don't get blasted!

Jay: (His bike is hit) Uh, guys? Guys? A little help? (Zane arrives and blasts the guards away)

Lilly:  Zane! Oh, nice of you to drop by!

Kai: See if you can take out the source of these things.

Zane: Affirmative. (Flies towards the temple, but is met with Dragonides) Incoming!

The Lego Ninjago Series 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora