An Issue of Trust

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(In the newspaper warehouse, Nelson searches for Master Wu.)

Nelson: Master Wu! Master Wu!

Wu: Yes? What is it?

Nelson: It's the ninja! They're back! And they have, um ... you-know-who with them!

(They head outside.)

Wu: Nya. Lloyd. Blackmagic.

Lloyd: Master Wu!

Wu: It's good to see all of you.

Lloyd: You too, Master.

Nya: I just wish we had better news.

Jay: Yeah. Doesn't look like we can count on any help.

Wu: We are not without allies.

Lloyd: Ronin?

Wu: It's a long story. Come inside. I have something to show you. (He shows them Quanish's scroll.) This is the final prophecy of Quanish the Elder.

Garmadon: Quanish? Quanish was a fool.

Wu: Hopefully not entirely, for he prophesied that one day, the defenders of Ninjago would achieve a higher form of Elemental Energy. Something he called "Dragon Form," which they would use in the final conflict against evil.

Jay: Dragon Form sounds cool.

Garmadon: Did he say how this "Dragon Form" is achieved?

Wu: Unfortunately, no.

Garmadon: Hmph. Typical Quanish. Leave out the most important part.

Wu: But these images offer clues. The first shows someone leaping upwards. The second, kicking backwards.

Celine: Then turning, and rotating quickly.

Kai: Lemme get this straight. To assume Dragon Form, we have to jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin?

Celine: Lilly Can't do it.

Jay: Why?

Alvin: She is an Ancient Dragon, it will not work.

Lilly: Will you guys do it or not?

(Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Blackmagic and Lloyd attempt to do so, but fail.)

Jay: Anyone feel ... "dragon-y"?

(Atop the Crystal Island, the Overlord gathers his council.)

Overlord: Come, Pythor, and join us. Take your place on my council.

Pythor: As you command, my Lord.

Overlord: As I command? Hmm. I commanded you to bring back the ninja, yet you have all returned empty-handed!

Pythor: Actually, I was saying "as you command" in response to you saying "join us." So in that respect, technically —

Overlord: Silence! I gave you everything! New powers, weapons, an army of Crystal Warriors. But you fail me at every turn!

Harumi: My Lord. Mister F intercepted a radio transmission from the ninja. Play it back.

Past Cole: Kai,  Lilly and I are with Skylor, Celine, Alvin, and Master Wu. We're holed up with a bunch of people at the —

Past Wu: Careful, Cole. Our radio signal could be intercepted.

Past Cole: In a place where the news never sleeps.

Harumi: They're trying to conceal their location, but I know where they are. A newspaper delivery warehouse near the harbor. It would appear the ninja are all there.

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