A Lesson in Anger

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(On the rice fields, villagers flee from Vengestone Guards, and Cole blasts a few guards away from them.)

Cole: Ha! Invincible, my butt! (Lilly Giggle. The guards get up.) Oh no! (His car is sent flying through the air.) Yikes!

Lilly: Uh, slight problem here.

Jay: Hang on, Cole, Lilly, ole' buddy, I gotcha! Come on, Cole and Lilly. I think it's time to get out of here! Jump on my bike!

Cole & Lilly: Just gimme us a sec here!

Jay: Cole,Lilly, we have to go. Now!

(Nya arrives on the Destiny's Bounty and fires at the Vengestone Guards.)

Nya: You okay down there?

Cole: Yeah! But my engine is fried!

Nya: Jay, can you tow Cole's vehicle back to the Sam X Cave?

Jay: Yeah, I think so. What about you?

Nya: I'll meet you there. We may have found a way to stop all this!

Cole: That's great! How?

Nya: It's easier to just show you.

(The ninja arrive at the Samurai X Cave.)

Cole: So how do we stop these things?

Wu: We've discovered that our enemies have a weakness. They may be impervious to Elemental Power, but not to the Oni Form and Ancient Dragon.

Jay: Oni Form?

Kai: Ancient Dragon?

Wu: In the beginning, there was the dragon and the Oni. Order and chaos, creation and destruction. You have been taught to channel Elemental Power, which comes from the dragon. But the Oni has an equal and opposite. And the highest form of that power is the Oni Form. Ancient Dragon have their own power.

Kai: How did you learn this?

Garmadon: From me.

Kai: Garmadon?

Jay: Look out!

Zane: Master Wu, get down!

Garmadon: Really? This again?

Jay: (To Lloyd) What happened to his other arms?

Wu: We saw my brother use it against the Crystal Warriors. It was most effective. And Lloyd and Blackmagic is part Oni. If Garmadon can teach him how to achieve his Oni Form, we might have a chance.

Kai: You sure about this, Lloyd,  Blackmagic?

Lloyd: Not even remotely. But I did see Garmadon use it, and it worked against them.

Wu: Unfortunately, I see no choice. The Crystal Island drains the power from your vehicles. The Vengestone army nullifies your elemental powers, leaving us defenseless.

Garmadon: I understand your mistrust. But I have changed since last we met. And I shall do my best to be a kind and patient teacher to Lloyd and Blackmagic.

Zane: Ancient Dragon, our enemies have a weakness. But how you know Lilly was with us.

Celine: Because they saw us. (They see Celine & Alvin walk up.) Hi

Alvin: Hello.

Celine: Lilly am sor– (Lilly cut Celine off.)

Lilly: (Lilly hugged her with crying tears.) I *sniffs* did care I miss.

Lilith: (Lilith tug Cole gi.) Dad why mommy hugged a woman and crying.

Cole: Lilly, Echo Zane, and Zane Mother.

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