The Temple of the Dragon Cores

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(In the Crossroads, a group of citizens drive away after a meal.)

Woman 1: That Merlopian tofu was magnifique!

Woman 2: And topped with a Crème de Imperium? Oh, pastry chef Grab-Barg's creations are just... mwa!

Woman 1: Since our Crossroads built up, our culinary exploits have truly been second-to-none!

Woman 2: So many exotic options!

Gus: Agreed! It's almost worth the ninja being gone for this! (Everyone glares at him.) I was joking! It was a joke!

Woman 1: Don't make light of the loss of our beloved heroes, Gus.

Man: But I have heard rumors the ninja are still alive. Some people have even seen them. They're just waiting until the time is right to show themselves.

Woman 2: Sounds like a baloney conspiracy to me. The Ninjas are gone.

(They hear a booming noise and their car starts shaking. They scream.)

Gus: Is it happening again?

(A MergeQuake opens above them and fireballs shoots from it. The car crashes and nearly falls off the side of the bridge. The citizens escape the car, but Gus nearly falls.)

Gus: I should not have had a second helping of Grab-Barg's dessert!

(The bridge cracks and falls apart. Just then, the ninja arrive on dragons. Zane freezes the broken pier. Gus falls from the bridge, but Sora catches him on Sora the dragon.)

Sora: Welcome aboard! Sorry if it's a bumpy ride.

(A falling sign nearly hits the citizens. Lloyd & Arin's dragon catches it just in time.)

Woman 2: Well! Thank you, young man!

Arin: You're welcome, ma'am!

(The citizens run, but the bridge splits apart before them. Wyldfyre and Zane repair the gap with Heat and Ice.)

Kimmer: This way people. (She helps Citizens across bridge.)

Man: Kai the Fire Ninja is back!

Wyldfyre: Nope! You've upgraded to Wyldfyre!

Kai: Upgraded? Really?

Blackmagic: She reminds someone.

Kai: Who?

Lilly: You Kai.

Kai: Me. Don't tell me what I was like.

Blackmagic: I not say anything Bae.

(Lloyd & Lilly closes the MergeQuake with his powers, and the ninja depart.)

Sora: Hope you have a great evening!

Gus: See? Told you they were back!

Woman 1: No one is ever going to believe us.

(The ninja return to the Monastery of Spinjitzu.)

Lloyd: I'm still surprised how many dragons decided to stay after we freed them from Imperium.

Sora: Having these stables makes it easier.

Arin: Stables that weren't here before the Merge, right? It's almost like everything's coming together for a reason.

Sora: I love ya, Arin, but not everything is some big cosmic plan. These dragons love living in this caves, we humans love living in the comfortable monastery up top. (Wyldfyre sends a fireball their way to light a torch.) Well, most of us here.

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