A Mayor Problem

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(In his office, Mayor Trustable is playing golf when Dwayne suddenly bursts in.)

Dwayne: Mayor Trustable? (He catches the golf ball flying at his face.) Uh, the ninja are here to see you.

Ulysses: The ninja, the ninja. What do they want? Tell 'em I'm not here. Better yet, tell 'em I'm out sick. I got a cold.

Lloyd: We can see you, sir.

Ulysses: Oh, ho ho! Those ninja! Hehe. Why didn't you say so? Come on in, fellas! Sorry about the mix up. (to Dwayne) What's the matter with you keeping these guys waiting? Hehe. What can I do for you?

Lloyd: Well, sir, it's about our friend Nya.

Jay: She's the heart of our team. And we thought we lost her defending Ninjago.

Cole: But we just discovered we have a chance to save her and bring her back.

Ulysses: Ah, that's great. Really really great. I'm gonna play through, but keep talking. I'm listening.

Lloyd: But we need Aspheera's help, so we have to let her out of Kryptarium.

Ulysses: A- Aspheera? A- As in, Aspheera who destroyed half the city with a lava serpent army Aspheera?

Jay: Yeah! Her. Oh, and we also need her staff, which is locked up at Borg Tower. She can't use her powers without it.

Ulysses: Yeah nope.

Cole: Look, we know Aspheera is dangerous. But we'll be watching her the entire time! We promised to protect Ninjago.

Ulysses: Like you protected it from that video game thing. And the giant sea serpent. And those creepy black clouds. And Jack curses Lilly with music?

Jay: Yes! Exactly.

Kai: Wow. You are really good at picking up on sarcasm.

Jay: Thanks, Kai!

Lloyd: Sir, please. We need to help Nya. After all she's done for the city, we owe it to her!

Ulysses: And I owe it to all the little people who voted for me, not to let one of the worst villains in this city's history out of prison. Now if you don't mind, I gotta get back to work.

Cole: Forget it, Lloyd. Don't bother.

(In the Hangar Bay, Zane is freezing Nya while Lloyd paces.)

Lloyd: If the Mayor won't let Aspheera out of Kryptarium legally, then we have to break her out illegally.

Wu: Lloyd, I cannot condone this. This is not the way to help Nya.

Lloyd: What other choice is there? We're out of options, Master Wu. It's this, or nothing.

(Wu shakes his head.)

Lloyd: Now, who's with me?

Jay: I'm in.

Kai: Me too.

Cole: Count me in.

Zane: I am also in.

Wu: Much as it pains me, I cannot be a part of this. I'm sorry, but I've learned the hard way that Aspheera can never be trusted. (He turns and leaves.)

Blackmagic: I will make sure he over reads himself.

Lloyd: Okay then sis.

Cole: What's the plan?

Lloyd: We split up. Kai, Zane, and I will break into Kryptarium and free Aspheera, while you and Jay break into Borg Tower and get her staff.

Zane: I am needed here to keep Nya frozen.

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