They Call it Doom

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(In the Lava-Tides' village, Kai, Blackmagic, Ruby & Wyldfyre are surrounded by Dorama and the stagehands.)

Dorama: So you see, ninja, there is nothing you can acquire that I cannot confiscate. And yet, to think of all that I, your humble narrator, had to overcome. Why, the dangers, the hardship, the drama I have personally endured—

Kai: Egotistical villain monologues are always boring, but this one's super boring.

Wyldfyre: Triple agree! So, so, so boring.

Ruby & Blackmagic: (Smirky Smile) We know what's not boring?

Kai & Wyldfyre: Fireballs!

(They shoot Fire & Heat at Dorama, but he absorbs the attacks with his staff.)

Wyldfyre: Hey! No fair!

Dorama: Of course it's fair! Absorbing exotic energy is my true dramatic gift, you two-bit player. It's why my patron of the arts, the Good Empress Beatrix, recruited me in the first place. And so, I dedicate this Core to her! (The stagehands applaud.) Also, I want to thank my many fans. Now, because of me, we will have the Dragon Energy Core forever!

Lava-Tide Leader: (She suddenly appears and steals the Core back.) Yoink!

Lava-Tides: (Chanting.) No Core for you! No Core for you! (They all run off.)

Dorama: Was I just robbed by a troupe of waddling fire philistines? After them!

Kai: We have to get that Core first!

(They give chase to the Lava-Tides. The Lava-Tide Leader passes the Core to another Lava-Tide before Dorama can get it.)

Lava-Tide Leader: Keep away!

Lava-Tide 1: Cores are for winners! No Core! (He passes the Core away from Wyldfyre.)

Lava-Tide 2: For! (He catches the Core and passes it off.)

Lava-Tide Leader: You!

Dorama: How are these things so fast?

Kai & Blackmagic: (He & Blackmagic corners the Lava-Tide Leader.) Gotcha!

Lava-Tide Leader: Or do you? We launch the flaming boulders if you say "what".

Blackmagic: What?

Lava-Tide Leader: Ha! You said it! (To a Lava-Tide above her.) You! Launch the flaming boulders! Our final defense system!

(The Lava-Tide strikes a gong and flaming boulders rain down on the village.)

Ruby: Flaming boulders?

Wyldfyre: Awesome!

(Everyone dives for cover.)

(At the Pinnacle of Crystals, Nya's team gets ready to leave.)

Sora: We had an amazing time, Arrakore. You're a great chef, and an even better singer.

Arrakore: Feasting and heroic song is the only way to celebrate victory over Howlers. Plus, it gave me time to recover enough to wield some wish magic again. I doubt I could grant any major wishes, but a small one like yours should be within my fragile power.

Nya: I wish we could locate the missing Dragon Energy Core.

(Arrakore summons a glowing arrowhead and gives it to Nya. The small rock around his neck grows larger, but he sinks lower to the ground.)

Sora: Arrakore!

Arrakore: It is okay, Ninja Sora. My strength will grow back with time and practice.

Nya: This thing, what, acts like a kind of compass?

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