Return of the Ice Emperor

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(In the city, Garmadon emerges from the wreckage of the Destiny's Bounty.)

Garmadon: Lloyd? Blackmagic? Are you injured?

Lloyd: I don't ... think so.

Blackmagic: No arm is spinning this time.

Garmadon: Here, let me help.

Lloyd: We don't need your help.

Garmadon: You appear to be stuck.

Lloyd: Well, we're not! When We needed your help was when We was fighting the Overlord!

Garmadon: I told you repeatedly we had no chance of defeating him. Not until you two master your Oni Form.

Lloyd: You know what?

Blackmagic: We don't want your help!

Lloyd: Every single time we have ever relied on you, ever, you have let us down.

Blackmagic & Lloyd: So a big no thanks! (Both of them does Spinjitzu and frees himself.)

Garmadon: Well, I'd have to see an itemized list of the times you're referring to to know if that's true.

Lloyd: I don't have time for this. We have to find the others.

Garmadon: Don't be a fool! Searching for both of your friends will only get you caught. We have to flee!

Lloyd: That's the problem with you! You only think about yourself!

Garmadon: And you two don't think at all!

(A police car stops before them.)

Lloyd: Thanks for stopping, sir. We sure could use — Hounddog McBrag?!

Hounddog: Lloyd Garmadon & Blackmagic Garmadon. You are under arrest.

Lloyd: You can't be serious!

Hounddog: Oh, I'm serious as a rattlesnake with a headache. You gonna come quietly or not?

Garmadon: He never does anything quietly. Everything's an argument.

Lloyd: Don't you see what's happening?

Blackmagic: We're under attack by the Overlord! People are being infected by evil crystals!

Hounddog: Doesn't change my orders.

Lloyd: With all due respect, your orders might not have changed, but circumstances have! We should be working together, not —

Hounddog: I can take you in the easy way ... (He points his megaphone at Lloyd & Blackmagic.) Or the hard way.

Garmadon: Allow me to answer this. (He powers up.)

Lloyd: No! (He pushes Garmadon to the ground just as he fires a blast.)

Hounddog: Halt in the name of the law! (He looks down to see the manhole cover spinning.)

(In the sewers, Hounddog searches for Lloyd & Blackmagic.)

Hounddog: You're under arrest, Lloy— (Lloyd saves him from crystalized Hypnobrai.) You saved me?

Lloyd: Orders aren't everything. Hopefully one day, you'll see that.

Blackmagic: So long, Marshal.

(In the city, Antonia leads Misako and some citizens to the newspaper warehouse.)

Nelson: When does the news sleep?

Antonia: Hopefully soon, because I'm gettin' pretty tired. (She enters the warehouse.) Make yourselves comfortable. Bathroom's in the back.

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