Writers Of Destiny

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(On the Destiny's Bounty, Arin & Lilith checks on Riyu & Reese's.)

Arin: Our little guy's still asleep. Totally exhausted.

Lloyd: Two of them saving a kingdom of magical mud-eating rock monsters will do that.

Kai: So you're telling me this dragon, like, "sparks" or something, then Sora can use her elemental power?

Sora: If I even have a power. It might be all Riyu. You saw how Riyu and Reese's powered up that mud field.

Lloyd: We've gone over this. You have a power. Riyu just ... soups it up.

Nya: "Souping up" isn't how dragons work, is it? That's weird, right?

Lloyd: Everything's been weird since the Merge happened. As far as I know, no one's ever taught themselves Spinjitzu before. But then, the Merge hits, and suddenly ...

Kai: Wa — wait. You learned Spinjitzu by yourself? No Master Wu morning breath? (Ruby, Cole Jr. & Lilith was Confused.) Your Pare– (Nya & Blackmagic Cover His mouth. Then remember why.) (Whisper) Oh, right  Cole Jr. Will cry.

Arin: Well, it's kind of a shaky, basic Spinjitzu.

Lloyd: But still better than any of us could do when we started out.

Arin: I was just trying to figure out all the moves I'd seen you do. I'm ... kind of a ninja fan.

Sora: "Kind of"? (She chuckles.) He once asked a barber to give him "the Zane". It did not go well.

Cole Jr.: Why he get Uncle Zane haircut?

Kai: Of course not. He should've gotten "the Kai".

Nya: Please. You shouldn't even get "the Kai". (To Lloyd) Aoriginalnd you think all this is tied to these Merge Quake things?

Lloyd: Maybe. MergeQuakes are like aftershocks of the  Merge, where two realms try to occupy the same space. Elemental powers shut them down, but they're happening more often.

Kai: That's why I went searching for help. If we don't stop the MergeQuakes, they could destroy everything.

(Behind him, Arin accidentally punches himself in the face and Lilith checks he is okay.)

Nya: Wow. So we've really got our work cut out for us when we get back to Ninjago City.

Lloyd: Speaking of cities ...

(They all turn to see that they are approaching the Cloud Kingdom.)

Arin, Lilith, Ruby, Cole Jr & Sora: Whoa.

Kai: The Cloud Kingdom. Whoa.

Sora: Why wasn't this here on our way out?

Lloyd: It's a floating kingdom. Maybe it drifted into our path?

Arin: (He sighs.) Looks relaxing here. I could really get used to this.

Kai: Anyone else feel that?

(The area around them shakes violently. They stop the ship.)

Arin: Relaxation is cancelled!

(The ninja barely manage to avoid part of a building crashing down on them.)

Woman: Help!

(Kai and Nya share a nod, then use Spinjitzu to reach Euphrasia and Marcus.)

Kai: Don't worry, we got —

(All four of them fall. Arin uses his grappling hook to get them all to safety.)

Kai: Way impressive, Arin! Very ninja.

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