I Will Be The Danger

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(In a flashback, Heatwave drinks lava in the Wyldness. He sees a smoking object falling from the sky and goes to investigate. He finds and opens the compartment, and a caregiver bot floats outside.)

Past Caregiver bot: Request assistance. Child protected from impact, but requires care.

(The caregiver bot opens to reveal a baby Wyldfyre to him. A short timeskip later, Wyldfyre as a toddler waddles around.)

Past Wyldfyre: Ta da! (She sees a Wyldmelon on a tree.) Ooh! Hmm. (She sneaks away to retrieve the fruit, but falls and screams. Heatwave saves her just in time and gives her the fruit to eat.)

(Another timeskip later, Wyldfyre as a young child is entranced by a campfire, and she approaches it with her hand outstretched.)

Past Caregiver bot: Halt! Fire is danger!

(Another timeskip later, Wyldfyre laughs as Heatwave carries her while running. He roars, and she does the same.)

(Yet another timeskip later, an older Wyldfyre relaxes on Heatwave's belly.)

Past Caregiver bot: My programming designates this as time for educational instruction. (Wyldfyre gets up reluctantly.) The next word is "family". Fam-il-y. Can you say "family?

Past Wyldfyre: Fam-il-y. Family! (She hugs Heatwave.)

(One day, the Merge happens in the middle of the night. The next morning, Wyldfyre discovers her new powers while picking fruits. She lights up both hands with fire and smiles.)

Past Wyldfyre: I am fire. I am danger! Roar!

Past Caregiver bot: Hmm. This is a developmental anomaly. Must adjust caregiving techniques. (It throws rocks for Wyldfyre to destroy as she laughs.)

(Another timeskip later, a now teenaged Wyldfyre is relaxing when she hears Heatwave roar.)

Past Wyldfyre: Heatwave! (She arrives to see him being taken away by Claws of Imperium.) Heatwave! (Immediately, she starts to pack.)

Past Caregiver bot: Why do you store these melons?

Past Wyldfyre: Supplies. Bad guys took Heatwave. I will get him back.

Past Caregiver bot: Warning. You should not go. It is not safe.

Past Wyldfyre: Heatwave is my family. I am going to save my family.

Past Caregiver bot: But there will be danger.

Past Wyldfyre: Yes. I will be the danger.

(She leaves determinedly amid claps of thunder.)

(At present day Imperium, Lloyd, Kimmer & Wyldfyre, and the dragons face off against the Imperium Guards.)

Imperium Guard: I said, get back in those cells!

Wyldfyre: Make them! I dare you!

Lloyd: Daring them? Look, we don't want to fight in these close quarters.

Wyldfyre: Who said we don't want to fight?

Lloyd: I have a fake ID as an Imperium citizen. I might be able to talk our way out of this.

Wyldfyre: Talk? Barf. Fight! (She growls and charges.)

Lloyd: Okay, so impulse control isn't her thing. (He tries to operate a control panel to open the roof, but a guard is flung onto it, breaking it.) Thank you.

Kimmer: We got a new way out!

Wyldfyre: Heatwave, go! (She leads the dragons into flying upwards.)

Lloyd & Kimmer: Wait for Us!

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