Absolute Power

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(In a flashback, Ras travels through Imperium and approaches the royal palace. Two Imperium Guards block him.)

Past Gate Guard 1: You are not permitted to enter.

Past Ras: I am Lord Ras from the realm of the Wyldness. The Emperor is expecting me. If you are the reason for my tardiness, I am quite sure he will not be pleased.

Past Gate Guard 3: Uh, you may proceed.

(He enters the throne room, where Levo, Beatrix, and Zeatrix are seated.)

Past Ras: Emperor Levo, thank you for gracing me with an audience.

Past Levo: I always make time for guests from other realms, but I am still unsure why you've sought my valuable time.

Past Ras: I have something unique to offer Imperium, something your kingdom is very much missing.

Past Levo: Imperium is the most advanced civilization that has ever existed. We are in need of nothing from anyone.

Past Ras: You and I both know the dragon energy that has kept your kingdom running smoothly will not last forever.

Past Levo: If that were true, which it most certainly is not, what could an outlander such as you do about it?

Past Ras: I know how to give Imperium unlimited power. With my help, you could contain a Source Dragon.

Past Levo: Ha! Source Dragons are only a bedtime story for children. They do not exist.

Past Ras: I have seen one with my own eyes. With your advanced technology, we could capture it and drain its very life force for your kingdom.

Past Levo: Imperium lives in peace with dragons. They share their energy with us. We do not take it!

Past Ras: But with a Source Dragon's power at your disposal, all other realms would fall before you.

Past Levo: We have no desire to conquer other realms. Imperium is a peaceful civilization.

Past Ras: You are shortsighted, Emperor.

Past Levo: And you are insulting. We have no need for pathetic tricksters. Leave us immediately! Zeatrix?

(Zeatrix uses her powers to push Ras back. Beatrix scowls in displeasure.)

Past Levo: Imperium has more than enough dragon energy. We have my beloved daughter Zeatrix and her elemental power. And we have the most advanced technology ever created. We do not need you.

(Zeatrix blasts Ras into the door.)

Past Levo: Ha! Excellent form, Zeatrix! Simply elegant.

Past Zeatrix: Thank you, father.

Past Levo: Your hard work and training has paid off. You will be a wonderful Empress of Imperium someday.

(Ras leaves angrily, but not before turning to give Beatrix a meaningful look.)

(In present day Imperium, Beatrix is making a live announcement to her citizens.)

Beatrix: Citizens of Imperium! As the sun shines on our home, so does it shine on you. The Merge has made it even more apparent that we are the greatest kingdom of all! That is why entering Imperium is so restricted. I must protect you all from the chaos and madness of such places as the Crossroads. We cannot allow clashing cultures of once separate realms to invade Imperium. We cannot allow their crime inside our fair kingdom. And I have further protected Imperium by bringing in more dragons to safely power our homeland. With our unparalleled technology and innovation, dragon energy will last us to infinity!

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