We Are All Dragons

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(In the Kingdom of Imperium, Percival leads the ninja through the city.)

Percival: All clear. Come on. Our secret HQ is close. Stick to the shadows.

Lloyd: Sticking to shadows is one of the things ninja do best.

Arin: It's kinda weirding me out how we're on the same side now, Percival.

Percival: I can imagine. But just think of it like when an Earth Dragon builds a nest with an Ice Dragon. Nothing is stronger.

Lilith: Since when do you know stuff about dragons? All you used to care about was joining the Claws to hunt them.

Percival: A lot's happened since we last saw each other, Lampshade Kelly Ancient.

Arin: Oh, uh, you can call me Arin.

Lilith: Call me Lilith.

(Wyldfyre sings loudly while sneaking, and everyone stops.)

Lloyd: Kai, can you please?

Kai: Of course. Wyldfyre, this is a stealth mission, so the theme would go more like... (He sings in a quieter voice.)

Wyldfyre: Oh, yeah, got it.

(They sing together.)

Lloyd: I forgot there's two of them now. And one them is Blackmagic Yin. (They continue running.) When we were flying to Imperium, we saw a massive explosion. Did you see it too? It looked like Dragon Core energy.

Percival: Who didn't see it? It came from the Advanced Systems Lab. That's where you'll find your Core. But first, we gotta get to our base and out of sight of any guards. The entrance to the tunnel is right around —

(Suddenly, Beatrix lands in front of them in her mech, along with some Claws.)

Beatrix: Imperium citizens siding with the ninja? Traitors! You will be executed for your treason! And you, ninja? You dare invade my kingdom? How foolish can you be?

Kai: You have no idea how foolish some of us can be. (Blackmagic Glare at Kai) No offense, Lloyd.

Beatrix: Your sad ninja training, your pathetic elemental powers, they are nothing compared to my power! Attack!

(In the skies, Nya, Cole Jr., Sora, Reese's & Riyu approach Imperium on Jiro and Zanth.)

Nya: For as rotten as this kingdom is, it does look perfect from the outside.

Sora: The citizens still think it is perfect. Just ask my parents.

Nya: Maybe after this is over, we can talk to them. Convince them that —

Sora: No. My parents believe in Imperium more than anything. More than they believe in their own — (She sighs.) There's no talking to them. (She notices a fight in the city.) Look!

Nya: (She gasps.) Is that an elemental fight? Maybe we're not the only ninja to have our plans derailed by Imperium.

Sora: Let's hope the armor I built Jiro is enough to break through.

(In Imperium, the ninja take on Beatrix. Her mech absorbs an ice attack from Zane.)

Kai: Did that just happen?

Beatrix: (She laughs.) My mech is impervious to your elemental powers. You think your powers make you so superior!

Lloyd: Huh? We don't think we're better than anyone 'cause of our powers.

Wyldfyre: I do!

Beatrix: You will learn that no one is superior to Empress Beatrix!

Kai: (He sees Nya, Cole Jr. & Sora flying towards them.) Look! Is that who I think it is?

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