The Coming of the King

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(In the Crystal Temple, Lloyd and Blackmagic is hanging from Vengestone chains)

Lloyd: This isn't happening. I don't believe it!

Overlord: (laughs) I have returned. Your grandfather fought me and failed. Your father fought me and also failed. You tried twice, and failed just like your forbearers.

Blackmagic: You know what they say. Third time's the charm.

Overlord: You still hope. Admirable, but foolish. Watch as I crush that hope. (He begins to power up the council)

Vangelis: I feel power, surging into me!

Aspheera: Yes. Me too!

(A Shuriken of Destruction flies outward and Mister F catches it)

Mechanic: What? Those were mine!

(The other Shuriken of Destruction flies outward and the Mechanic takes it as he smiles. The other villains receive weapons of Destruction)

(Aspheera gets the Sword of Destruction)

(Vangelis gets the Scythe of Destruction)

(Randall Juan get the Bow of Destruction)

(Pythor gets the Nunchucks of Destruction, who became happy because they have an electric chain connected to them)

Pythor: (wielding the Nunchucks) Finally, these work! Thank you, my Lord!

Council: Thank you.

Lloyd: You gave them some cute purple outfits. Is that supposed to impress me?

Blackmagic: And steal my color.

Overlord: Perhaps this will. (He turns and manipulates the central crystal, levitating the Crystal Temple)

Pythor: Now that's impressive.

Vangelis: Very impressive.

Aspheera: Praise from the fallen king. Worthless! But the admiration of Aspheera, Empress of the Serpentine. That is a prize.

Vangelis: You dare!

Mechanic: Listen to the two of you. King of this, empress of that. Where I come from, we call people like you "kiss ups".

Overlord: (He silences the villains.) Witness my power, Son and daughter of Garmadon, and see that resistance is useless! Join me. I offer you two a chance. Stand by Harumi's side and do my bidding as she does. Refuse, and be destroyed. The choice is yours.

Lloyd: Thing is, sometimes I like to order off the menu. So I'm going with choice number three.

Overlord: Choice number three?

Blackmagic: Escape and live to fight another day! (Lloyd swings on their chain, knocking back the Crystal King and Vangelis. The Scythe of Destruction hits the crystal.)

Vangelis: No!

(Lloyd's & Blackmagic's chains break and Both of them stands up. The Crystal Island tips and Lloyd & Blackmagic escapes.)

Lloyd: Thanks for hosting the party, guys.

Blackmagic: But we think we'll be going now. So bye–bye!

(Mister F throws his Shuriken of Destruction at Lloyd & Blackmagic, but misses.)

Overlord: Fools! Stop him! (Vangelis grabs his and Randall Juan grabs his Bow of Destruction and pursues Lloyd & Blackmagic, but is with a falling statue of a Crystal Warriors. The Overlord rights the Crystal Island.) After them, you fools. Destroy them!

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