Wyldly Inappropriate

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(In a forest, Kai, Blackmagic, Ruby & Wyldfyre are trapped in a pit with spikes, surrounded by Greenbone Warriors.)

Wyldfyre: Huh. These Walls of Punishment aren't as fun as I hoped.

Kai: You were expecting them to be fun?

Wyldfyre: I always expect fun!

Kai: At least it can't get any worse. (Some arrows shoot past him.)

Blackmagic: (Glare at Kai) When you gonna learn things can always get worse?

Wyldfyre: Worse? It's finally interesting!

Ruby: (Worry) This doesn't look interesting.

Bone Guard 1: That's what you get!

Bone Guard 2: Eat wall!

Bone King: It's not too late to save yourselves. We'll pull you out if you give us back our sacred gems!

Kai: We don't have them! Promise! We're ninja on an urgent mission. We just stopped in your forest to rest!

Wyldfyre: Right! Plus, why would we steal 'em anyway? They're mega-ugly!

Bone Warrior: Not nice!

Bone Guard 3: Jealous?

Bone King: Last chance! The gems, or we let the walls finish their work!

Wyldfyre: You don't have the guts! (To Kai) Get it? Skeleton joke.

Kai: Stop insulting them!

Wyldfyre: Oh, they love it. I'm hilarious.

Bone King: Fine! Face punishment, gem thieves! (He pulls a lever and the walls close in.)

Blackmagic: Don't make fun of people who have you in a death trap!

Wyldfyre: Not my fault! How could I know they're so sensitive? They've got pretty thin skin for folks with no skin.

Kai: (He studies the flying arrows.) Three, two, one... did you spot the pattern?

Wyldfyre: Yes, way before you did. Let's go! (She jumps on the spikes to head upwards.) You thought I needed ninja training? (She nearly falls, but Kai gives her a boost.) Not when I've got moves like this! And... ha! Safe! (She escapes the pit.)

Kai: (He, Ruby & Blackmagic escapes the pit as well.) Danger's not over yet.

Bone King: If you won't be polite and get crushed by the Walls of Punishment, then we'll just have to destroy you the old-fashioned way! (He slashes his sword at the pair.)

(In the dragon stables of the monastery, Mr. Frohicky enters with a cup of tea.)

Frohicky: Tea time! Gramma's recipe.

Zane: Thank you, I — (He peers inside the cup to see flies in green fluid.) Oh, uh, um, looks nutritious. However, Nindroids do not require nutrition.

Frohicky: Oh, my sincerest apologies. I'll dispose of it immediately. (He drinks the tea but misses the flies, which fly around him.) Oh, heavens. This is what teleported you ninja back from Imperium? How does it work?

Zane: I do not know. It is mystical, not technological, so it is difficult to scan. But if I can reactivate it, it may help explain the secrets of the Merge, including the whereabouts of those still missing.

Frohicky: Oh, like Arin's parents and the other ninja.

Zane: Master Wu, Jay, Cole and my Family. But they are not the only loved ones I seek. (He caresses a photo of P.I.X.A.L.)

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