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(At Vinny's apartment, Lloyd, Blackmagic, Wu, and Garmadon face each other.)

Garmadon: Hmm.

Lloyd: That's all you have to say? Hmm?

Garmadon: I was expecting a pizza. I don't suppose you're delivering for Buddy's Pizza?

Wu: We are not. (He,  Blackmagic and Lloyd enter the apartment.)

Garmadon: Wipe your feet. Vinny just vacuumed.

Gayle: (On a TV.) As you can see below, the crystal army is beginning to reach the city limits, and not far behind them, the floating Crystal Island itself!

Garmadon: (He turns off the TV.) Now, what are you jabbering about?

Lloyd: What are you doing here? This makes no sense!

Wu: You've been here the whole time? In the middle of Ninjago City? Explain this, brother! Explain the newspaper clippings, and — and — and why you're here, and ... and all of it!

Garmadon: Hmm. I was hoping to avoid this conversation. But, since you're here, I may as well tell you the tale. It was after that squabble with the Omega Oni, after I saved all your lives.

Lloyd & Blackmagic: Wait, what?

Wu: Lloyd. Blackmagic.

(Flashbacks begin as Garmadon narrates.)

Garmadon (narrating): I didn't know what to do with myself. I was usually the one trying to conquer Ninjago, not save it. It was a ... peculiar feeling. I found myself confused. Why had I saved your lives? Did I actually care? I decided to do a little thinking. Take some ... me time. I had questions about the nature of good and evil. Heh, I knew all about evil, but little about good. And I was curious — did I have a capacity for good? Could I help people? All around me, I saw weak little humans trying their best to accomplish menial tasks. Like trimming bushes twig by twig, or trying to break ropes by pulling on them. It was madness, but I realized I was in a position to help them achieve their pointless goals.

Lloyd: Their goals aren't pointless! They were trying to —

Garmadon: (He burps.) Do you intend to continue interrupting me, or may I finish?

Wu: Finish, please.

Past Hayley: It's Garmadon!

Garmadon (narrating): I was looking for answers, but didn't know where to look. I remembered the words of a wise man. Possibly the wisest I have ever met.

Lloyd: The First Spinjitzu Master?

Blackmagic: Ancient Dragon?

Garmadon (narrating): Vinny, of NGTV News.

Past Garmadon: What could possibly be more important than survival?

Past Vinny: Uh, jeez. Lots of things. Friendship, man, and-and-and love, and harmony, and trust, and truth, and courage, and you know, all the stuff that makes life worthwhile.

Garmadon (narrating): These words meant nothing to me, but I wanted to understand them. So, I came here, and Vinny of NGTV News, in his infinite wisdom, welcomed me with open arms.

(In his flashback, Vinny opens the door to see Garmadon, then immediately slams it and screams.)

Past Vinny: Why is he here? Oh, what do I do, what do I do?

Past Garmadon: Vinny of NGTV News? It is I, Garmadon.

Past Vinny: (To himself) Call the police!

Past Garmadon: I require your counsel.

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