Chapter 35

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Read the previous post!!

Abubakar's POV

After taking a shower and changing , I went straight back to the hospital. I couldn't eat even when I was asked to.

I just wanted to see my wife and support her. I still can not believe I lost my child. My own blood.

If I am feeling this way, I wonder how she's feeling. I have to be strong for her, even though it's killing me from the inside.

It has been long since I heard a sad news as this one. The last one was when my maternal grandmother died. She died of cancer. She suffered a lot.

We entered the hospital and went towards the private waiting room where our parents and siblings were.

We were sitting down in the waiting room when the doctor said she's awake and we can see her.

I went there first because I was eager and I was happy our families gave us the privacy we needed.

I entered the room and saw her staring in to space. That sight alone broke my heart into a million pieces.

The Madina I know was never this sad, not even when Malik left her, not even when I ignored her. She is always strong and in check with her emotions.

She must have noticed some one was in the room because she turned and looked at me. I could see shock in her eyes before it turned to a sad expression.

I knew she was happy to see but didn't know how to break the news to me. And I am sure of one thing, which is; she's definitely blaming herself for everything that happened and that's not what I want.

Before I knew it she started crying. I moved to the bed and hugged her letting her know I am here for her and she has nothing to worry about.

We stayed like that for a long time before we parted and I took her lips in mine immediately.


"I missed you so much, wifey." I said looking in to her eyes immediately we parted from the kiss.

" Me too, hubby. I am sorry I wasn't careful and we lost our..."

" Don't say that. It was not your fault, okay?" I cut her off immediately before she could finish.

" You don't get it. If only I eat well, slept enough and thought about our child this wouldn't have happened. But no I didn't." She said crying hysterically.

" No wifey it's not your fault. I want you to take this as Qadr (fate) okay?... God has a reason for doing this. Let's hope it's for the better." I said to her trying to comfort her. But the question here is was I trying to comfort her or myself?

" Okay I will try." She said and I know she just said it to make me feel better.

I can read her because she's like an open book.

" Great, just try and get better so we can make more babies." I said and kissed her forehead.

" You are unbelievable!" She gasped and smacked me on the arm.

We stayed for some time in each other's arm before I called our family members to come in.

Everyone was happy to see that she is fine and not as sad as before. But you can see it deep in her eyes and I can't blame her it's not easy.

I wanted to tell her about everything but I felt like this is not the best time to do so.

First thing tomorrow morning, I am going to talk with the police regarding my case and I hope they have arrested Hayat and his men.

I looked at my wife sleeping soundly on the bed and no matter how I tried to fight off sleep, I couldn't because I was very tired.

Immediately I placed my head beside her on the hospital bed, I slipped in to a peaceful sleep with my wife in my arms.

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