How they handle the break up *Their P.O.V.*

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Beck: I was lying in my trailer staring at the ceiling when there was a knock at the door. "Who is it" I asked. "Andre" "Come in" The door opened and in walked Andre. "Hey" He said as he shut the door. "Hi" I mumbled. He walked into my line of view. "How are you holding up" I rolled over and said "Well my girlfriend dumped me and told me that she wanted me to be happy but I was only happy when I was with her, and to top it off she broke up with me because I thought I was kissing her. I should have known. There were no sparks." He looked at me. "Then what are you doing here?" I gave him a confused look. "Why are you sitting here moping when you should be out trying to win her back?" He asked. "I don't know" I said sitting up. "Well get out. Go figure out how to win her back." "You're right... Thanks Andre." He stood up. "Anytime bro" He then left. I sat there thinking of a plan to make this right.

Andre: I was walking in the hall passed her locker. Beck and Tori were squatting down and looking into it. Beck looked over and saw me and I looked away and walked faster. I heard him say goodbye and then I heard footsteps following me. I started to walk faster but then there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was not surprised to see Beck there. I opened my mouth to speak but Beck beat me to it. "Andre I need you not to talk but to listen can you do that?" He asked. I sighed but nodded. "Good. Y/N and I never kissed." I rose my eyebrow. "We never kissed it was our characters. We were rehearsing for the play." He told me. Then it hit me. The play. The one Y/N was so excited to getting the lead in. The one where she co-stared with.... Beck..... "Oh my gosh" I said hitting myself in the forehead. Beck nodded. "Yeah..... Do you know where Y/N is right now?" I shook my head. "She's in her locker. Crying." My heart clenched knowing that it was my fault. "I have to make this up to her" I said. "Yeah. And sooner is better than later. The play is tomorrow and we need her at her best" Beck said walking away..... How was I going to fix this?

Robbie: "Man you're even stupider than I thought" Rex said to me after school. (Yes I am aware that Rex is a puppet. Shut up and go with it.) "What?" I asked him. "You chose the people who only like you because you're popular over the girl who liked you when you were a nobody... Not cool man.... Not cool." Rex said shaking his head. "I'm cool. I'm really cool" I said defensively. "No." He said. "You are not man." "You're right" I exclaimed. "I'm not cool. I let the one girl I really cared about walk out of my life because I wanted to be popular. Do you think she will ever forgive me?" I asked. "I don't know. But what I do know is that you better make it up to her quick." I nodded. "I know. I know.... But how...."

Tori: I sat on the stairs of Hollywood Arts thinking of all the possible reasons Y/N broke up with me. "Tori" I heard someone shout. Turns out it was Andre. "Yeah Andre." I asked sadly. "I found out why Y/N broke up with you" He told me. "Wait really?" I asked a bit more excited. He nodded. "She got a text from an unknown number telling her to break up with you or else" He said. I stared at him "We can have Robbie or Sinjan trace the number and find out who sent it." I exclaimed excitedly. "And then I can get my girlfriend back" I cheered. "Come on" I yelled running away to find Robbie. Here I come to get my girlfriend back.

Jade: I knocked on Tori's door with a broken kite. Tori opened it and was surprised to see me. "Um. Can I help you" "I found this broken kite in a bush" I said pushing into her house. "And now you're in my house.... So why did you come to me with a kite?" And that is when I snapped. "Would you forget about the kite!?" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry I brought it up?" She asked. "I want Y/N back" I sobbed out. I buried my face in my hands. "Okay..... So why did you come to me?" "Because I don't want anyone cool to see me like this" I said. "Wait. We aren't even friends. I'm the reason you broke up." "Yeah but if you help me maybe I'll start to like you...." "Okay... Have you told Y/N you want her back or that you're sorry?" She asked. I shook my head no. "Well maybe that is where you should start. And get her carnations and dark chocolate.... They're her favorite. (If not. Change them). "I know Y/N's favorite flower and chocolate." I snapped at her. But then I realize she helped me..... "Thanks" I said. She saluted me and led me out the door..... To the flower shop and dollar general I go.

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