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Hello my lovelies! So this particular imagine is in fact requested. But the thing about the request is that I decided to combine four requests into this one imagine to kill four birds with one stone. I think that each of the requests fit really well in this imagine. I hope that the four that submitted the requests that are written into this don't mind me doing this. If you would prefer to see an individual imagine with your prompt, please message me or comment and let me know and I will definitely write another. I just did this because A. they all fit nicely together and 2. I get to knock four things off my request list at once.

Requested by:

NemotheGreat666: Maybe a situation where the reader is in an abusive relationship and Beck finds out and saves her or...something

WeirdWriterGurl: I was wondering if you could do a Beck Oliver imagine idk why but I want it to be really sad and maybe there's crying involved

AddisonCheerleader: I was wondering if you could do a Beck Oliver imagine but I want it to be really sad and have crying in it but I also want it to have a bit of happiness towards the end

Fraynimartinez: Can you make a beck oliver one where he gets hurt plz thank youuu

That being said: This imagine does contain abuse from a partner and then descriptions of violence. Please, please, please don't read if any of this makes you uncomfortable or might trigger you. I love each and every one of you so much okay? I consider each and every one of you my friends and my little babies. (I'm a mom friend if you can't tell). Please if need help or support please don't be afraid to reach out. If you live in the US, you can call 1-800-799-7233. Please, please, just know that you are not alone and you do not have to handle this alone.

In this imagine, you're not in high school. You live in an apartment with your S/O and you and Beck are best friends.


I silently wiped the tears that began to stream down my cheeks away when I heard the door slam shut. "You deserve this" I murmured to myself. I slowly sat up from lying on the floor where Brad had left me. My lower abdomen felt like it was on my fire and it was hard to breathe. I forced myself to take slow breaths as I stood up from the ground. I let out a quiet whimper as I put pressure on my ankle. I took another slow breath as I limped toward the bathroom. "This is all your fault"

When Brad and I first got together, everything was a dream. He treated me like a queen. But as time began to go on, he began to get distant. He cancelled plans, made up excuses as to where he was, came home drunk. When I asked him about it, he told me it was my fault. I was being too clingy, too annoying. So I changed. I cut off some of my closest friends, I cooked and cleaned, made sure he had everything he wanted... It still wasn't enough. That's when the physical abuse began. Brad told me that if I weren't so useless, he wouldn't have to hit me. He wouldn't have to grab my wrist so hard it left bruises if I would just obey him. He wouldn't have to hit my face, if I would just do what he asked.

Tonight, I failed to have dinner ready when he came home from a long day at work. Brad had to punish me. He first slapped me across the face, and when my head snapped back to him, he backhanded me across the nose, causing it to bleed. Then he punched me, my eye really. The force of his fist on my face caused me to stumble back, trip over my feet, and fall to the ground. Brad loomed over me with a wicked and sick grin. He brought his foot up and kicked me with all his power right in the ribs. I curled up in the fetal position, and silently begged for mercy. "I'm going out. I'll be back in a few hours and when I come back I expect food to be ready and hot and I expect this place to be spotless. Understand?" Brad snarled at my shaking body. I let out a soft whimper hoping he'd take that as a yes. But then there was a sharp pain in my ankle, telling that Brad had kicked me once more. "Understand?!?" Brad snarled even louder. "I understand!" I cried out. "Good" I could hear the smirk on Brad's face and it made me sick. And there I laid until I heard the door slam shut.

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