It's Your Birthday! Happy Birthday!!

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I do not own the songs used in this preference. I had this idea and I thought it was sweet. Full credit to the actual owners. Thank you.

Beck: I walked into school with a giant smile on my face. Today was the day I've been waiting for an entire 364 days. It's my birthday! I finally get to have more than one passenger that wasn't related to me in my car. I'm finally officially a dancing queen! Today, I'm 17! As I bounced toward my locker I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and stop me in my place.

"And why are you so happy today?" Beck asked as he placed a kiss on my neck. I turned around to face him with a slight pout on my lips. "It's a special day." I hinted. Beck put on a fake confused face. "Is it?" For being an acting prodigy, my boyfriend was not very good at lying to me. "It's my birthday, you doofus," I said pushing his shoulder away from me. Beck grinned, allowing me to see his pearly whites. "I know." he laughed, leaning forward and pecking my lips.

Before I could respond he reached behind his back and pulled out a box. I took it graciously and slowly opened it. It was a beautiful necklace. I picked it up and examined it closely. It was a diamond-encrusted B. "Beck." I marveled. "Do you like it?" Beck asked. "I love it." I beamed. I threw my arms around his neck and he placed his own around my waist. "I wasn't sure what to get you but I know you love High School Musical, so I figured I could be your Troy and you could be my Gabriella, you know, without all of the breakups." He murmured in my ear. His statement caused me to giggle.

I pulled out of his arms and handed him the necklace and then turned around and pulled my hair. "Please?" I asked. I heard Beck chuckled before I felt the cool metal of the necklace being placed on my neck. Once the clip was secured I turned back around and pressed another kiss to Beck's lips. This was definitely the best birthday ever.

Andre: I sighed as I attempted to pay attention to the lecture the teacher was giving but I kept getting distracted. You see, today is my birthday, and I just wasn't feeling the whole school thing today. Suddenly the intercom buzzed to life. "Would everyone please report to the North Foyer for a special presentation." I let out a breath of relief as I packed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and made my way out of the classroom with the rest of my classmates.

As I approached the foyer I caught up with my friends, but one was missing. "Where's Andre?" I asked the five of them. All of them gave me a sly look before Beck pointed behind me. There on the steps was the man in question. I furrowed my eyebrows in an attempt to figure out what was going on. The lights turned off and music began playing. Lights shone upon Andre and his band. "I found a love for me" Andre began.

My eyes pricked with tears at the unfamiliar melody. I knew what this meant. Andre had written me a song for my birthday. "Darling just dive right in. Follow my lead." As the song went on I found it harder and harder to fight back the tears, especially due to the fact the lyrics were so so sweet. "Baby I'm dancing in the dark." Andre riffed as he began walking the steps "With you between my arms, barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song." The students parted allowing Andre to walk towards me. "I have faith in what I see." Andre's eye met my tear-filled ones. "I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect." Andre extended his hand and I took it. He twirled me around once before pulling me into his chest. "I don't deserve this" He sang staring into my eyes as a tear fell down my cheek. "You look perfect... tonight." He finished, pressing a kiss to my lips.

The students burst into applause, but I paid no mind to them as I buried my hands in Andre's hair. After a few moments, I pulled away from him. "Happy birthday" He whispered. "I love you," I told him. His lips turned up into a smile. "I know... I love you too."

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