Request "Rules"

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I've been getting asked where people can leave a request for an imagine or preference. So I'm here to tell you! You can either comment directly on the book (I would prefer on the newer chapters, starting with the chapter "Surprise" and going forward) or you can message me privately if you want! I may not respond right away, but I promise I will get to you

Requests are always open, but please understand that because requests are always open, there may be quite a few in front of yours. So I ask that you not message me over and over asking if you request has been written yet. I usually post the preference or imagine right after I finish writing it because proof-reading is for losers. (I am so totally kidding if you proof-read, I think that's amazing. I just sometimes am too embarrassed to read my own stuff so I send it out without a second thought). I hope you understand!

I'm not comfortable writing smut but I think I could handle like a steamy situation or something like that. I also reserve the right to turn away any request!

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and if you have any questions, please, please ask!



Victorious PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora