How they show PDA

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This is how you show because let's be honest, each one of them would love showing PDA in some way, unless you didn't want to show any then they'd be totally cool with that. Also PDA stands for public display of affection if you didn't know.

Beck: Okay so I think that Beck's PDA would be super subtle. He always wants to be touching you but doesn't really announce it to people. Beck loves to hug you from behind, whenever you're talking to someone, and bury his head in your neck. He won't say anything as he grabs you. You always grab one of his hands that have made their way to the front of you. As well as, if he's not hugging you from behind, he almost always has a hold of your hand. Whether it be in class, walking down the hall, or during lunch, your fingers are intertwined. Sometimes, Beck will bring your hand up to his lips and give the back of your hand a little kiss.

I smiled as I felt my boyfriend's arm wrap around me. I continued talking to Tori even as I felt Beck's head drop into the crook of my neck. "Hey baby." I greeted softly after finishing my sentence to Tori. Beck let out a noise of acknowledgment before pressing a kiss to my neck. Tori rolled her eyes, "You two are just too cute." I felt my cheeks go red at her words, "Thanks." I mumbled back. Just then the bell rang. "Lunch time!" Tori exclaimed rushing off. Beck unwrapped himself from me, causing a slight whine out of my mouth at the loss of his warmth. Beck chuckled at my behavior, before extending his hand to me. "Come on" he said softly. I smiled at took his hand in mine, letting him intertwine our fingers. Without breaking eye contact, Beck brought our hands up and pulled them toward his mouth. He pressed a soft kiss to the back of my hand, causing me to blush at the intimate moment. The heat rushing to my face caused Beck to chuckle and drop our hands back to where they were. Together we began the small walk to the lunch yard (IDK what it's called sorry!), our intertwined fingers swinging the whole way. (Umm. Yes... Hello, where can I buy a Beck?)

Andre: Okay so I totally think that Andre would have an obsession with kissing you anywhere and everywhere. He wouldn't really care who saw him, why wouldn't he want everyone to know your his? He just really loves you and kisses, but his two favorite places to kiss would be the forehead and the lips. Andre would totally kiss you at really random points in your day. You're in the middle of talking to your friends? Sounds like a perfect time to plant one on your lips. You being cute in class? (Which is all the time, because dang you cuuuute!!!) A forehead kiss sounds awesome! He just walked to you class? One on the forehead and one on the lips, perfect!! I also think that Andre would always have his arm around you in some way. His arm around your waist walking down the hall. His arm around your shoulders at lunch. Just ABTY (always be touching you)

I smiled at the feeling of Andre's lips on my temple. "How was class?" My boyfriend asked, wrapping an arm around my waist as we began the walk to my next class. I shrugged at the question, "Boring. Don't get me wrong, I love theatre but one can only handle so much Shakesphere." Andre nodded at my statement, "That's very true." He stated in agreement. I asked him the same question he asked me. I listened intently as he talked about his class. All too soon we stood at my next class's door. "This is my stop" I stated with a pour on my lips. Andre sighed as he looked at the door, "So it is. I'll see you afterwards yeah?" Andre questioned pressing a kiss to my forehead. I smiled softly at the affection and hummed at his question. Andre smiled at the hum and pressed a kiss to my lips. I sighed softly at smiled at my boyfriend. "Bye babe." Andre said slowly walking away. I gave him a wave and watched him walk away until I couldn't see him anymore.'

Robbie: Robbie is a soft boy so the way he'd publicly display affection would definitely reflect that. Robbie would love to hold your hand. Your fingers intertwine so perfectly and fit so well together that he never wants to let go. I also imagine that his hands are always kind of cold, and your hands are always warm so they balance out perfectly. Robbie would love cheek kisses because they can be super sweet and super short. Robbie also loves kissing your cheek because you always blush when he kisses your cheek, even though he's kissed your cheek millions of times, and he can feel the warmth of your cheek on his lips even before he's pulled away to look at your gorgeous face.

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