Keeping Cool

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Greetings from someone who is probably your least favorite person right now. As you should know, I'm have discontinued this book but I wanted to give you kind of a farewell "gift". This will be my last preference on this book. However, I am going to create a new book with more shows that I'm going to write for. When I have it created I will post a link to it on this book. But for now, I hope you enjoy "Keeping cool" As well as please read the A/N at the bottom as well.

Beck: "Hey, this is no fun with only one person," I called to my boyfriend with a pout on my lips. Beck was lying in one of the lounge chairs just watching me with his shades on. "You're the one that wanted to come to the pool, now we're here and you're not even in the water." I heard Beck chuckle as he stood up from his spot. "If I'm being honest, I only wanted to come here to see you in a swimsuit." I gasped playfully at this revelation. "Are you kidding me?" I questioned. "No, I'm Beck." My smart-mouthed boyfriend said as he sat down at the edge of the pool.

Beck put his feet into the water and gasped, "It's so cold." I rolled my eyes and placed myself in between his legs. "Your such a baby," I told him while wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Beck rested his hands on my waist, put his forehead against mine and said, "I guess you're right, but I'm your baby." I closed my eyes and hummed in content. "You bet." Beck leaned in and closed the gap between us as he pressed his lips to mine. I hummed once more before an idea formed in my head.

I smirked against Beck's lips as I wrapped my arms tighter around him, he suspected nothing. After a few more moments of kissing, I gave a harsh tug and pulled Beck completely into the pool. He let out a little shriek as his entire body hit the water. I let go just as Beck went completely under. I laughed as he stood up, glaring at me. My laughter subsided as Beck's glared didn't waver. "Beck?" I asked. The corner of my boyfriend's mouth twitched. "You better run." This time it was I who let out a shriek as Beck picked me up and through me deeper into the pool. When I came up, I gave Beck a playful glare. "Oh it's on!"

Andre: "BABE! You'll never guess what I got!!" Andre exclaimed as he waltzed into my house. I rose my eyebrow at him. "What? What did you get?" I asked. "I got.... Bunch of Balloons (Not a sponsor lol)! Come on! We're going to have a water balloon fight!" He exclaimed walking over to me and pulling my wrist. I stood up from the couch and followed him outside. I was met with the sight of two storage tubs full of water balloons. "Holy moly Andre!" I exclaimed putting my hands into tub. "How long did this take you?" "Not long" He responded picking up one water balloon. I looked up him just as a smirk formed on his face. I stood up with a water balloon in my hand as well. "Ready? Set. Go!" We both launched the balloons we were holding at each other. Mine hit his chest while his hit me in the face. "I'm okay." I called as I snapped my head back. "Just try to aim lower."

For the next twenty minutes Andre and I chased each other all over my yard, trying to hit each other with the water filled balloon. Finally we were all out of balloons and tired from all the running. We finished our fight in the driveway. "I think I won." Andre said as he sat down near a tree. "Oh really?" I asked. He nodded with a tired smile on his face. I walked over to the tubs that once had water balloons but now just have water. I picked one up and walked back over to Andre. I turned the bucket over and dumped the water onto his head. Andre gasped as the water hit him. "Okay! Okay!" He exclaimed, "You win!" I set the tub back down and did a little victory dance. Andre laughed. After a few minutes of us staring at each other, Andre gave me an evil look. "Hey, Y/N" I hummed in response. "You look like you could use a hug." My eyes grew wide and I ran off. Andre laughed and followed me. Thous began another chase. (That ending sucked. I'm sorry)

Robbie: "My poor rose! You've withered!" I exclaimed as I turned on the hose and watered my flowers. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. But there's not much I can do when the temp goes from 74 to 104." I pouted as I wetted the ground. Stupid weather. I was so deep in thought that I did hear a car pull up nor the opening and closing of doors. But when I felt someone tap my shoulder, I freaked out. I turned around and blasted the culprit with the water from the hose I was using. The person let out a little screeched and I gasped in realization. "Robbie, I'm so sorry! I didn't hear you pull up!" I exclaimed. "That's alright." Robbie said as he looked down at now soaked shirt. "It was a good way to cool down though. I giggled, "So what brings you here?" I asked him. "I just wanted to see you." I let out another giggle and my face heated up in a blush. "Awe you're so sweet!" I said pressing a kiss to his lips.

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