Jade Imagine--Shot Through the Heart, but not really

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Yes, it's true! No, your eyes don't deceive you! It's two parts in one day! I will be attempting to write two chapters to upload every Tuesday! Please don't be upset if one week only brings you one chapter as I still am a full time college student!

This is a requested imagine! Thank you so much to Jerrieschild for the request! I hope you enjoy! In this you and Jade are in an established relationship. *slight spoiler* This is probably not accurate in terms of ambulance and hospital protocol. I have no idea how any of this would work but here you go haha. That being said, THIS IMAGINE CONTAINS MENTION OF SOMEONE BEING SHOT AND ALSO A REALLY GROSS MAN BEING ALL SEXIST AND STUFF!!! PLEASE DON'T READ IF THIS MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE!!!

Jerrieschild: Can you write an imagine in which Jade protects the reader with her actual life. Like the two are at a place and some hooman does something dangerous that could seriously hurt someone and Jade saves her life while almost losing her own? That might be a little too much sadness and gore but I hope you can do this

"I had a really nice time tonight baby" I told my girlfriend Jade as we walked down the street, fingers intertwined. Jade gave me a smile and gave my hand a squeeze, "I did too babe. Thanks for taking me out," Jade responded. I gave her a grin, "No problem, I love spoiling you." I admitted. Jade rolled her eyes at my words, but I could see the red blush creep up on her face. I let out a chuckle, before letting go of her hand and slinging an arm across her shoulders.

We walked a couple more blocks in silence. That silence was interrupted by a scream that echoed from an alley. Jade and I shared a look, trying to decide whether or not to get involved, but we had no choice when a beaten and bruised girl stumbled out of the alley, followed closely behind by a man pointing a gun at her. "Please, help me!" the girl begged, tears streaming down her cheeks. I wrapped her in a quick hug, shushing her, "You're okay now. We've got you." I comforted before pushing the girl and Jade behind me. I took a couple of steps forward toward the guy holding the gun, but when the gun whipped toward me, I froze and held up my hands.

"Hey man, we aren't looking for any trouble," I claimed taking a couple steps back. The man let out a dark chuckle. "You may not have been looking for trouble, but it seems it has found you anyway. Now I would appreciate it if you handed the girl back over to me and let me take what is rightfully mine." As the man spoke, I noticed that his words seemed to slur, telling me that he was drunk. I rolled my eyes at his words, "Rightfully yours? This girl doesn't belong to you or to anyone" I claimed, crossing my arms in front of my chest. It was the man's turn to roll his eyes, "That's where you're wrong bucko, this girl in fact belongs to me. I bought her some drinks and now she should at least sleep with me.... It's the least she could do. I mean I'm practically a god anyway, who wouldn't want to sleep with me,"

I let out a scoff of disgust, "You're a pig, is what you are. You need to get out of here before I call the police." I warned in my most threatening voice. The guy scoffed, "Yeah right. Now I'm getting sick of this. Move and let me have her or I'll shoot you and take her anyway." The man threatened, waving the gun around to prove his point. I gulped in fear, but other than that I remained a stonewall. "I wasn't kidding man, get lost." The man smirked, "And I said no."

I scoffed once more before I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. I looked down to type the numbers to call the police. As I did, I heard the click of the gun and the man say, "I wasn't kidding either," and then a loud bang sounded. Everything felt like it happened in slow motion. I looked up from my phone in fear and closed my eyes, waiting for the impact of the bullet. Instead, I felt a huge force on my left shoulder and was shoved out of the way onto the ground. From my new place on the ground, I watched in horror as Jade's left hand came up to her right shoulder and was drenched in a dark red. The momentum forced Jade to stumble back. Luckily the girl was still there and was able to catch Jade and keep her steady.

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