Dating would include...

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There are a couple of bad words in this preference, not many but just be aware of that... okay bye. I love you guys


-touching his hair all the time

-braiding each other's hair


-In class? Arm around shoulder. Walking down the hall? Hand in hand.

-you always compliment him and he does that thing where he laughs a little bit while running his hand over the side of his head. All the time

-never missing one of his performances

-him asking if you'd play the lead in the play he wrote

-him driving you anywhere at anytime

-literally the school's power couple

-everybody wants to be you or have a relationship like yours

-is very very sweet to you

-him whispering in your ear, whether it's a normal conversation or if it's sweet nothings

-encouraging him to sing because dang does my baby have an amazing voice


-girls flirt with him all the time

-you hate it

-at first, Beck didn't stop it because he thought it was funny to see you jealous

-but then when you explained it genuinely hurt you, he would finally tell the girls to stop

-literally do that about anything you don't like and he'll stop

-in my world, Jade and Beck never dated

-so the three of you are best friends and Jade will literally fight anybody for the two of you

-she's like your bodyguard

-long talks about anything and everything

-I don't think he's the jealous type but can get very jealous with certain people

-sleepovers in his trailer all the time

-his family loving you a lot

-you get to go to Cancun when his aunt invites his family

-loves you very passionately


-always singing

-most of his songs are about you

-sometimes helping him write songs

-and he'd drop everything to help you write a song if need be.

-meeting his grandma many times and her having no idea who you are until like the 5th meeting, even then it takes her a little bit to get used to you.

-remember his one rule, ABTY (always be touching you)

-he's sometimes like a leech in the sense he will not let go of you once he touches you, and you have to pry him off.

-he is literally so dedicated to you it's crazy

-call him up at 3am and ask him to bring you donuts from the bakery on the other side of town, does it, no questions asked.

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