Accidental Hit

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Requested? Yep!

for your victorious book can u make one were they accidentally hit u?

Thank you so much to sadprxncess for the request! I hope you enjoy! 

Beck: "Hey party people." I greeted my friends as I sat down next to my boyfriend in the Asphalt Cafe (I have figured out what they call where they eat their lunch). I got a mix of responses back. Beck wrapped his arm around me and pressed a kiss to my temple. "Hey beautiful how has your day been today?" He questioned. I let out a sigh and leaned on his shoulder more, "Oh you know. Fine. Lonely without you but fine. And yours?" Beck chuckled at my response and pressed a kiss to my lips very briefly, before answering me, "Well it was going great. You know, when I picked you up for school. And then it got lonely but now it's way better." I giggled at his response. "Well it's good to know that I make your day better." "You know you do."

Just then Robbie, who was seated to my right, scoffed, causing us to jump back to reality. (There goes gravity.) "We get it you two are super adorable together." Robbie stated, reaching out and pinching my cheek, "And that I'll never find love." he finished, still holding onto my cheek. Beck reached out his hand and smacked Robbie's hand to get off of my face. When Robbie didn't immediately let go, Beck brought his hand back to give it a little more powerful playful smack, but just as soon as Beck put his hand in motion to smack, Robbie removed his hand from my cheek, allowing Beck's playful slap to go directly on my face.

A sharp sting made its way throughout my cheek, "OW" I yelped, pulling away from my boyfriend. Immediately all conversation at our table ceased and all the attention was on Beck and I. My hand cradled my cheek as I stared teary eyed at Beck. "Oh my gosh!" Beck exclaimed running a hand through his hair. "Baby, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. I was trying to get Robbie's hand off of your beautiful face and he moved just as I swung. Are you okay?" Beck rushed, reaching out toward me. I sniffed and wiped away a single tear, "Yeah, I'm okay. I think the fact that I wasn't expecting it amplified the pain." "I am so sorry." Beck apologized again. "Thank you for your apology but I know you didn't mean it." I said reaching out and grabbing his hand.

"Do you need anything? Bandaid? Ice Pack? Ambulance?" Beck prompted, hands cupping my face, looking over where he hit me. I laughed, the sting already fading. "No baby. Well maybe a get better kiss." Beck wasted no time lurching forward and pressing a passionate kiss to my lips. "I am still really sorry." He whispered causing me to laugh. "Baby, really it's okay. Besides, it's all Robbie's fault." I said pointing to the awkward boy beside me. "Hey yeah! It is, isn't!"

Andre: I smiled as I walked into the music room and found my boyfriend sitting at the piano. "Hey baby!" I greeted, walking up behind him, wrapping my arms around his neck from the back, and leaning forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Andre brought his hand up and swatted in the air, "Oh my gosh! Why won't you go away. You're so annoying." A pang of hurt went through my whole body. My arms slowly slipped off of my boyfriend's body. "Oh..." I let out. Andre whipped around with a panicked look on his face. "Oh baby. No, no, no" he rushed, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to this stupid fly that has been annoying me all day. It's been distracting me from finishing this song and it buzzed right in my ear just as you came in. I'm sorry!"

His explanation caused a bubbling laughter to explode out of my chest. "Oh my gosh! That makes me feel so much better." I laughed out, holding my hand to my chest. Andre stood up and squared his body to mine with a smile on his face. "Hey baby." He greeted me wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a gentle hug. Andre turned his head and pressed a greeting kiss to my cheek. "Hi honey." I said, a slight giggle still lacing my voice. "How has your day been?" Andre asked, letting me out of the hug. I shrugged my shoulders, "Alright I guess. Better now. What about yours?" Andre gave me a grin, "Pretty good actually. At least it was before I began to get annoyed by the---FLY" Andre yelled, spotting the fly in front of his.

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