Andre Imagine--You free?

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Requested? Yeppers

Okay, i was wondering if you could put together an Andre imagine. It can be whatever idea you have in mind, I just wanted to see one just about him if that's possible. Thank you so much!

Thank you so much to marleysisland for the request! I hope you like it


If I tell you something do you promise to keep it a secret? Pinky swear? Okay good. I think I'm in love with one of my friends... Who? Andre, Andre Harris. I don't know how long I've liked him, it just hit me one day that I was in love with one of my best friends. I was just sitting there thinking about my friend group and my thoughts wandered to the man in question. I just began to think about him. Andre is always so kind. He almost always has a smile on his face. He's willing to do anything for his friends. He's so passionate about music. And let's not forget that he is extremely attractive. And then boom, it hit me. I was in love with Andre.

I've been able to keep a secret from almost everybody, but of course I couldn't hide it from my best friend Jade, she knew something was up no more than a week after I had figured out I was in love with this boy. And of course when she asked me about it, I denied it. But all she had to do was raise one eyebrow before I spilled my guts to my BFF. She smirked and offered to set us up and I rushed in telling her no. Jade offered a shrug, but her smirk never fell off her face, which worried me greatly.

Now it's a couple weeks later and I'm hoping that Jade has forgotten my secret. I doubt it but she hasn't said anything to me about it so...

I stood facing my locker getting the things I needed for the second half of my Friday schedule, "Hey, hey, hey." A voice greeted me, causing me to jump and turn toward the noise. Andre laughed at what had just happened, causing my face to heat up in a blush. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to startle you." Andre explained, laughter still lacing his voice. I placed a hand over my heart and took a deep breath, trying to will my blush away. "No, it's okay. I was just thinking." I said turning back to my locker. Andre took a step closer to me, "About what." 'don't say you, don't say you.' I pleaded with my brain. "You" GOSH DANG IT! Andre's face twisted in confusion. "Me?" I turned back to him with wide eyes, "Uh... Uh... I mean you didn't let me finished, I was going to say you know, stuff." Nice one Y/N. Great save.... Notice the sarcasm. Andre's confusion didn't seem to lighten up, nevertheless Andre relented, "Okay then."

I was about to try to explain myself further when another voice joined our conversation. "Y/N, Andre!" Oh no... It's Jade. "Jade." We both greeted my bestie, turning to face her now. "Andre are you free tonight?" Jade questioned. Andre thought for a moment but shrugged his shoulder, "Yeah, I'm free. I don't have plans." Jade turned to me now, "Y/N, are you free tonight?" Jade asked. I nodded my head, "Yep" Maybe she was trying to plan a group outing! We haven't had one of those in a while! "Great. I'm not. And neither is anyone else in our friend group, have fun on your date." Jade deadpanned before strutting away with me gaping after her. "JADE!" I yelled after her, "WHY?" Jade just laughed and continued on her way, leaving me to face Andre.

I turned slowly to meet Andre's stare. "Date? Why a date?" I sighed at Andre's question, knowing my jig was up. "I'm going to be completely transparent with you, Andre. I like you. And not in a friend sort of way... Okay yes I like you as a friend but I also like you like 'I want you to be my boyfriend' like you. Jade figured out my feelings and I guess this was her way of forcing me to confess. We don't actually have to go on the date if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you---" My rambling was cut short by a quick kiss to my lips. Andre pulled away with a grin, "Y/N, I like you too. I have for a while actually. I was just too nervous to say anything." Andre admitted. I let out a little laugh and quickly rushed forward and hugged the boy. "I'm so happy you feel that way." Andre laughed and wrapped his arms around my hips and brought me closer. "The feeling is mutual."

We stood there, wrapped in the hug until the bell rings causing us to pull apart. "Well I gotta get to class. I'll see you at 6 o'clock?" Andre questioned causing me to raise an eyebrow. "6? What for?" I responded. Andre smirked as he began to walk away, "For our date. I'll pick you up at 6?" He offered once more, causing me to grin and nod. Andre grinned in response before turning around and jogging to his next class. I sighed in contentment at the sight of my new boyfriend. I guess I owe Jade kind of big now, huh?

Greetings my lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this one shot! If you did, please be sure to leave a like!

Question of the Update: What is one thing you are looking forward too? Could be anything! I personally am looking forward to Spring Break already. My semester just started and I'm already kind of over it. Leave your answers in the comments below.



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