They have a nightmare about you leaving them

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Beck: I had spent the night at Beck's and I couldn't fall asleep. So here I sat with my hands in Beck's hair. I softly went over it. It was peaceful, until Beck turned, causing me to lose the grip on Beck's hair. "Y/N..." I heard my name being muttered out of Beck's mouth. "Beck?" I asked. "No, no, please. Don't go. I'm sorry." He said a bit more panicky. It was quiet. "Beck?" "NO" He screamed shooting up. His eyes flew open and he looked around the room searching for something. I turned on the light and his head snapped to me. "Y/N" He said in relief. No other words were said. He threw his arms around me. I never knew what he had dreamed about that night, but it was enough to scare him. And you know Beck. He never gets scared.

Andre: It was 2:37am. At least that is what my clock told me. I was peacefully asleep when the sound of Andre's countdown blared from my phone startling me awake. "Hello" I said groggily into the phone. There was a sigh of relief on the other end of the phone. "Andre what's wrong" I asked slowly becoming more awake. "Do you still love me?" He asked. "Of course," I said all sleepiness gone from my voice. "Can you come over?" He asked. I decided I would because I know Andre and would never ask me to leave the comfort of my home if it wasn't important. I got in my car and drove over to Andre's house. He was already at the door waiting for me to pull up. He opened the door for me and when I got out he pulled me into a tight hug. We walked in and he lead me to his room. That night we stayed up and he told me about his dream. I left him for no reason. And when he woke up he was scared that it was real so he called me. We cuddled for the rest of the night. I promised him that I wouldn't leave him. And I've kept that promise so far.

Robbie: I knew what was happening the minute he started to toss and turn. I have had the same dream before. So when he mumbled "Please don't go" I started to shake him awake. "Robbie." I said gently as I shook him. He shot up breathing heavily. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on me. He relax a little bit before launching himself at me pulling me into a tight hug. "I know. I'm here." I told him stroking his curls. Soon when he was assured I wasn't going to leave him we curled up tight together and fell back asleep. Only this time we had good dreams.

Tori *Her P.O.V.* I knew I was in a dream but it felt so real I almost believed it was. "Tori. I don't love you anymore I'm leaving you." Dream Y/N said. I shook my head. "No. Please. I still love you. Don't leave me." I begged. Y/N was disappearing. "No, no, no, no" I mumbled. "Y/N!" I shouted. I awoke with a start. I tried to slow my breathing. I noticed that Y/N was right beside me and she didn't leave me and I was happy. My breathing slowed and so did my heartbeat. I turned and pulled Y/N closer to my body. She stirred and I began to panic. "Shh, shh, shh." I shushed her. "Go back to sleep. Go to sleep" I sang to her. She fell back asleep and sighed. "I love you." I whispered

Cat: "Y/N!" I heard Cat yell from my bedroom. I was in the kitchen making breakfast when I heard her yell. I quickly turned off the stove and ran upstairs. I ran into the room where I saw Cat looking around the room in panic. "Giggles? What's wrong?" Her head snapped to me and she flung herself out of bed at me. I caught her. "Giggles?" I asked. "It was awful! You left me and I had no one left. Please tell me you're not going to leave me." "I'm not going to leave you." "Okay." She cried into my chest a little longer before she sniffed. And she sniffed again. "What's that smell?" She asked innocently. "Before you screamed I was making breakfast for you and me." "Well what are we waiting for! Come on!" She jumped and started to drag me toward the kitchen. This never gets old.

Jade: I didn't realize Jade had fallen asleep until she woke up. She had come over to work on a project. And by work I mean I do everything while she watches "The Scissoring." She must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know she is shooting off of my bed "Y/N" Was all that was heard from her mouth. "What? What's wrong?" I asked her. She looked over at me in my spinny chair. She got up and sat in my lap. She rested her head on my chest and by the feeling I could tell she was crying. I ran my hand through her hair. "It's okay. You want to tell me?" She shook her head. "Okay...." It was quiet. "Just promise me you won't leave me" Jade said after about 5 minutes. "Anything you want Tator-Tot." "Tell me you love me." She said. "I love you" I told her. "Thank you." 

Hello my darlings! Happy March! I hope you like this preference. The next one will be Hickeys. You know the drill of when it will be up. I have a lot of last minute projects due at the end of the quarter so I may not update a lot but I will do my best. I hope you have a really good day.

Question of the update: What is your favorite Victorious episode? Mine is a threeway tie between Sikowitz sleepover, the breakfast club and April Fools



Stay your awesome self

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