Jade West Imagine

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In this Imagine Jade and Beck never dated, rather they have been best friends since like birth. Jade and yourself have not dated/are not dating... yet. So on those notes I hope you enjoy!

Jade's P.O.V.

I watched in envy as the girl I liked laughed with my worst enemy. I glared as she giggled that adorable and amazing giggle she has. I should be the one making her laugh like that. Not Tori. Ugh, just her name makes me want to vomit. "You're staring." My best friend Beck said into my ear. I turned quickly and glared at him. "No I'm not!" I said defensively. "Yes you are. And I'm surprised you're not drooling and the fact that Tori doesn't have a hole in her head with the way you're looking at her. I sighed and looked back over and to the two of them. "I don't know what to do Beck." I said letting my guard down. Beck wrapped an arm around me and turned me a bit so I could look at them. "Talk to her. Let her know your feelings. You can't keep glaring at Tori and hoping that she would disappear and Y/N would just fall into your arms. Sadly, the world doesn't work like that." Beck said. I sighed, "I know. I just don't know how. I don't know if she likes me back... I don't even know if she's not straight." He gave me a reassuring squeeze. "How about you try being her friend before you become her girlfriend." Just then the bell rang causing everyone to begin walking to their next classes. "Think about it." Beck said as he walked to his next class. I sighed and shrugged my bag onto my shoulder and began walking down the hallway toward my class.

*Time Skip*

The bell rang signalling the end of the day. I gathered my things and walked out of my class. I was deep in my own thoughts that I didn't notice the person in my path before it was too late. The person in front of me let out a squeak and their stuff flew out of their hands. I snapped out of my trance and looked to the floor. There was Y/N, sitting on her butt in bit of a daze. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed extending my hand. She took it and I helped her up. "It's all good Jade. You good though? I saw you were in deep thought." Y/N said as she started picking up her stuff. I bent down and helped her. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I said sincerely. Y/N gave me one of her perfect and dazzling smiles. "You're welcome." We went silent as we collected her things. We both stood up and I handed her her things. "Thank you." She said. She looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "Shoot, I'm late for meeting Tori!" She said as she tried to walk past me."Why are you always with her?" I asked bitterly, not thinking about it. Y/N stopped and gave me a confused look. "Because she's my friend. Why?" Y/N asked in a sweet and innocent voice. "It's just kind of annoying that whenever I see you, Tori's always right there beside you. "Well she is my best friend. What's gotten into you Jade? You're always so irritable whenever Tori is mentioned? You're not the Jade I knew! What happened?" Y/N asked. "I fell in love with you okay!" I exclaimed loudly, running a hand through my hair. "What?" Y/N asked meekly. "I fell in love with you. I fell in love with your smile, your giggle, those stupid Y/C/E (Your color eyes) that always make me melt. I fell in love with the way you would do anything for anyone, no matter who they were. I fell in love with your sweet and caring personality. I fell in love with you." I explained. "And I'm jealous. I'm jealous that you spend so much time with Tori. I'm jealous of the way you laugh and smile with her because I want you to laugh and smile like that with me. And I know I probably just ruined our friendship. But I love you and I know that-" I was cut off by a pair of soft and sweet lips on mine. I instantly shut up and melted into the kiss, my eyes shutting. It was perfect. I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around me. Unfortunately, we need oxygen to live, so we pulled back. "I love you too." Y/N sid simply. I grinned and pressed another kiss to her lips. I pulled back after a few. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. Y/N giggled and nodded. "Only if you're mine." I leaned forward and pressed another kiss to her lips. "Does that answer your question."


Third P.O.V.

Tori marched into the school. Y/N was fifteen minutes late to their meeting, and Tori was determined to find her. Tori marched around a corner when she was pulled to the side. A squeak emerged from Tori's lips. "Shhh." It was Beck. Beck let go of Tori. She turned to Beck and slapped his chest. "Why would you do something like that?" Tori demanded. Beck pointed behind her. Tori turned around and was greeted by an adorable sight. Jade and Y/N were standing in the middle of the hallway, kissing. "Awe!" Tori let out. Beck chuckled. "They make an adorable couple." Beck commented. Tori nodded. The two of them were silent, just watching the newly made couple. "You want to scare them as much as I do?" Beck asked Tori. "Yeah, let's go" Tori said moving in on the couple. Beck chuckled and followed after her. Let just say that did not go well for the best friends. Just be glad that Y/N stopped Jade before she could do any real damage to the two.

I hope you enjoyed my first imagine! I loved writing it!

Question of the Update: Now that you've seen one of my imagines do you want me to continue them? If so, leave some requests in the comments below!!

Here is what you should leave with you request

Name (Yours)

Guy/Girl (Who you want the imagine with)

Plot (What do you want to happen):

Relationship status (Like, boyfriend/girlfriend. Best friends, friends, enemies.)

Personality (What your character is like)

Looks (What you look like):

Ending (What you want the ending to be):



Stay Beautiful. 

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