They Comfort You After A Bad Day

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Hello my lovelies. I'm 98% sure this is a requested preference, unless I have finally lost my mind. I remember reading this request somewhere but I cannot find it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! P.S. In this preference, you're older and live together K byeeeee

Beck: "Baby? I'm home!" I heard Beck call from the front door. I sighed into the pillow my face was pressed in. I had a really bad day and I came home to an empty house, so I threw myself face down on Beck and I's bed on his side, trying to drink in his lingering scent. As much as I wanted to see Beck, my body refused to move or call back to him. "Baby?" Beck called once more, his voice moving closer. "Y/N?" His voice was now right outside our bedroom door. I finally worked up enough energy to turn my head and let out a little noise of confirmation. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the door creak open.

Beck stepped into our room, shutting the door behind him. I heard him let out a little sigh, "Oh honey. Bad day?" He asked. I let out another little noise. Beck clicked his tongue a couple times before walking forward and sitting down by my side. I felt a gentle hand rest on my lower back before it slowly began moving up and down. I let out a little groan of contentment and buried my face further into the pillow. "Do you want to talk about it or do you want a distraction?" Beck questioned softly. "Distract" I mumbled back in response. "Alright" Beck whispered back.

There was a slight movement from beside me. Beck gently rolled me over on my side and moved me to where Beck could gently lay down behind me. Beck wrapped his arms around my middle and grabbed my hand. His thumb began to make circles on the back of my hand. "Is it okay if I tell you about my day?" Beck asked gently. I let out a little hum and gave him a slight nod. "Okay." Beck breathed out. Beck cleared his throat and pulled me closer into his chest. "Today was pretty normal..."

Andre: "What are you doing?" Andre questioned from the doorframe of our bedroom, staring at me lying on the bed. "I had a bad day," I mumbled from the blanket burrito I had rolled myself in to. Andre stuck out his bottom lip at me, "I'm sorry babe." Andre apologized. I let out a little sigh, "It's not your fault," I said, turning my gaze to the ceiling.

It was quiet for a little bit before I suddenly felt the hands of my boyfriend unrolling me from my cocoon. "What do you think you're doing?" I hissed, my warm limbs now exposed to the cool air. "Come on sweet cheeks" Andre said, wrapping his arms under the blanket and me, hoisting me in the air and secure in his arms. "Andre," I gasped, slapping his chest, "don't scare me like that! Give me some warning next time!" "Sorry babe," Andre "apologized", a huge grin painting his face. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, "Whatever," I muttered, watching the walls pass by as Andre carried me out of our room.

"Here we are," Andre proclaimed, sitting me down on our kitchen counter, adjusting the blanket so it lay over my shoulders. "Why? Why have you brought me out of my chamber?" I complained, staring at my handsome boyfriend. Andre didn't answer me with words. Instead, he pressed a quick kiss to my lips and then turned toward our freezer. He pulled out my favorite type of ice cream/frozen yogurt. (Or whatever type of dessert you like!) I gasped at the sight, "I thought we were all out?!" I asked incredulously. Andre shrugged as he got two bowls and an ice cream scoop and began scooping ice cream.

"I got some more. I know you love it so I thought I'd make you happy," Andre finished as he handed me my bowl and spoon. "I love you so much, and not just because you bought me ice cream," I said, spooning a huge spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and immediately regretting it. "BRAIN FREEZE!" I tried to yell through a mouth of frozen dairy, but failing. "ME TOO!" Andre exclaimed, his words also muffled. The two of us locked eyes and began laughing at one another. We continued to eat our delicious treat and laughing, my bad day already forgotten. 

Victorious PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang