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Hey! Long time no see! I've decided to start writing again, I'm feel better. I would like to thank all of you for the kind wishes and encouraging words. They mean a lot to me. But now without further ado! I present, 'Hickeys'

Beck: "Beck!" I exclaimed as I walked into Sikowitz's class. He turned to me with a smirk on his face. "Yes princess." He asked. I stomped over to him. "Look at what you did. I pulled down my shirt a little so he could see the little hickeys that he had left on my collarbone last night. He smirked and pressed another little kiss to my lips. "Just one of the little ways to let everyone know you're mine." He murmured to me. I sighed and rolled my eyes, he was just too cute. It was hard staying mad at him. "Just be careful next time. My mom almost saw them."

Andre: I giggled as I felt Andre's lips meet my neck. "Hi Boobear" I said as I opened my locker. "Hello Blossom." He said as he kissed my neck again. I continued with what I was doing in my locker. Andre began to suck on my skin. "Andre!" I whisper-shouted. He hummed against my skin. "Stop it!" I said as I made an attempt to push his head away from my neck. It didn't work. I sighed and gave up. I could feel his lips upturned in a smirk. "Whatever." I said going back to what I was doing. After a little bit, I felt his lips detach from my skin. I turned around to face him. I gave him a glare and he only smiled at me. "I hope you're proud of yourself." I told him. He grinned and then kissed my lips. "Oh I am... I managed to get an amazing girl like you. I consider myself extremely proud." I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the blush that appeared on my cheeks. "Whatever" I mumbled again. Andre chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, shut my locker and off we went to our next class.

Robbie: "Robbie! Did you fall or something?" Andre asked as we sat in Sikowitz's class. "And land on your neck?" Beck added. Robbie said nothing but blush and look down. I chuckled as he held my hand a bit tighter. Now Jade was involved. She leaned a bit closer to Robbie. "No. No way" She said sitting back a bit. "What?" Tori asked setting her bag down and sitting next to me. "It seems that Robbie here has a hickey." Everyone's eyes went wide. I laughed at their reactions. They all turned to me. "What? Why? When? How?" Was all babbled from their mouth. So I explained the story of how Robbie was on his computer and he wouldn't pay attention to me and so I gave him a hickey. Everyone was laughing. Well except Robbie. "It's not funny." He pouted. I kissed his pouting lips. "Yes it is." I told him. After a little bit he chuckled himself. "I guess it is."

Tori: Tori and I were chilling on her couch watching so random movie. After a while, I lost interest in the movie and I began playing with her hair. Tori gave me a weird look but all in all, allowed me to continue. I made her hair look cute, ugly and interesting. But after a while I got bored of that too. So, I moved to her neck. I pressed a kiss to her pale flesh causing her to look at me. "What?" I asked. She said nothing, only gave me a smile. So I continued what I was doing. She seemed to enjoy it. After a while, I pulled back to examine her neck. My eyes widened. "Oopsies..." I mumbled. Tori looked over to me with wide eyes. "What?" She asked. "I may, or may not, have given you a hickey." I told her. Her hand flew up to her neck while she looked over at me. "Hey, look on the bright side, at least everyone will know you're mine." I said as I gave her a smile. She rolled her eyes and pushed me away from her. "Shut up." She muttered. I crawled back over to her and snuggled into her shoulder. "I love you." I said sweetly. "Love you too." She murmured. I sighed in content. I love this girl.

Cat: "Woah! Looks like our two innocent little girls aren't so innocent." Andre stated as Cat and I sat down for lunch. I gave him a confused look. He just pointed to the side of my neck and I blushed. Last night Cat and I were hanging out and as a joke she had given me a hickey. I blushed and tried to pull my shirt up a little. "No use trying to hide that." Beck said as he sat down next to me. "It was a dare" Cat defended herself. "But it was a good dare" I said taking a bite of my salad. Everyone, with the exception of Cat and I, oohed. "Grow up." I mumbled taking another bite of my food. Cat pecked me on the cheek to try to diffuse my anger. It worked.

Jade: "No! Stop it!" Jade whined pawing at my makeup trying to get me to leave the little marks alone. "Jade, everyone will see them." I argued. "That's the point babe. I want everyone to see them. To show them that you're all mine." Jade had given me three hickeys. And now as I stand in the mirror, she won't let me cover them up with my makeup. I sighed, I knew I wasn't going to win this. I placed my concealer back into my makeup bag. "Fine." I sighed. Jade grinned and placed a kiss on one of the marks. "I love you." I pushed her head away from my neck and lazily grinned back at her. "Yeah, yeah, love you too."

Hello there! How are you guys? It's been a while! I hope you're doing well. I'm doing much better. The next update will be 'You wear something of theirs.'

QOTU: What kind of preferences do you want to see next? After 'You wear something of theirs, I'm out of ideas. So please, leave your answers/suggestions in the comments below.

I would also like to thank you guys for your support and kind words. They've helped a lot. Thank you.



Stay Beautiful <3

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