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Beck: His for you: Princess. He loves you and wants you to have the best. He treats you like royalty, hence the name princess. "Hey princess." Beck said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

Yours for him: Casanova. Beck is a very looking guy and everyone knew it. According to Urban dictionary the meaning of Casanova is A smooth-talking charmer who has mastered the art of finding, meeting, attracting beautiful women. And because all the girls drool over Beck you decided that the nickname fit best. "Casanova" I called to Beck as another girl tried to flirt with him.

Andre: HFY: Blossom. You are so bright and full of life. You remind him of Spring. And what happens in the Spring? Everything begins to grow again. Fresh blossoms that smell super sweet and make everyone happy because Winter is over. You always smell good and you always try to brighten peoples day. "There's my Blossom" Andre said as you cracked jokes with a freshman so that they would smile and be happy. 

YFH: Boobear: Andre was like a big teddy bear. You love to cuddle him and be happy. The first time you called him a teddy bear he objected and immediately tried to scare you. It didn't work and so you gave him a new nickname. Boobear. "Boobear!" I yelled as I ran over and tackled my boyfriend in a hug.

Robbie: HFY: Pumpkin: Pumpkins are short and adorable. Just like you. Now I'm not calling you short Robbie is just super tall and you are probably short compared to him. One day you and Robbie were going to a pumpkin patch and you were super happy and excited. So one day he called you pumpkin and it stuck. "Hola Pumpkin" Robbie said as he walked out of Spanish.

YFH: Prince: Robbie was a nerd that basically is a doormat and everyone steps on him. That is until you came along. You treat him the way he deserves to be treated. Like royalty. Like a Prince. So one day it slipped out of your mouth. It made Robbie blush so it stuck. "Hey My Prince." I said as I sat down next to him at the lunch table.

Tori: Hers for you: Diamond: Fine light in the beautiful sea I chose to be happy. And that is exactly what happened with you and Tori. She saw you in the light and you couldn't wipe the smile off her face. And when you're on stage you shine. And you are very stubborn and hard to break like a Diamond. Which is why the nickname suit you so well. "There's my Diamond." Tori stated kissing the side of my head as I stood up for a freshman

Yours for her: Song bird: Birds sing. All day, every day. They wake you up bright and early and they sing you to sleep at night. And that is exactly what Tori did. She was your own personal song bird. She couldn't go one day without singing some song. Whether it be a cover or her own original it didn't matter. She would sing and sing. Which is why you nicknamed her song bird. "Alright calm down there song bird." I said to try and calm Tori down.

Cat: HFY: Sweetheart: You had a big heart. And you were super nice to everyone. Even if they weren't the nicest to you. So with a combo of both of those Sweetheart was born! "Hi Sweetheart" Cat exclaimed as you walked around the corner.

YFH: Giggles: Cat is always laughing (Because she never knows what's going on). But she is always smiling and having a good time which is why you call her giggles. "Hey giggles" You giggled as she pawed at your book bag like a kitty.

Jade: HFY: Babe: Jade loves you but she's not lovey dovey. She doesn't like giving out cutesy nicknames. So she calls you babe because it's simple yet it shows she really does care about you. "Hey Babe" Jade said as she kissed your lips. 

YFH: Tator-Tot: You met Jade during lunch. You had your food and when you turned around you ran straight into someone causing your tator-tots to fly onto the person you had bumped into. You proclaimed your apology and she almost yelled at you, until you she saw your face. She began to have a crush on you. "Next time watch where you're going." The girl you had ran into turned and stormed away with Tator-Tots in her hair. You didn't know her name so you called her tator-tot to remind her of the day you two met. "TATOR-TOT" I squealed as Jade walked over to me.

Hello? It's me. I know it's been too long darlings. Too long. I'm working on it though. Next up will be How you meet! I don't know when it will be up but it will be as soon as I can!

Stay your awesome self!!



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