Phone Contact Names and Why

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Also I'm so sorry this is a day late. The second semester of my college just started and I got so caught up in that I completely forgot to upload this. So I'm really sorry.

Beck: His for you (HFY): Sugar Baby lol <3

Yours for him (YFH): Sugar Daddy lol

Why: So Beck totally has a daddy kink, don't believe me? Season 1 Episode 19 at 19:20... Any way so I have this thought that there is a running joke between the two of you that Beck is your Sugar Daddy because he basically will give you anything you want. So what do you call the partner of a sugar daddy?? A sugar baby. You two wouldn't really call each other these weird nicknames in public, so you have them saved as the contacts for each other so you can keep the joke alive without having to explain it everywhere you go.

Andre: HFY: Princess

YFH: Prince Charming

Why: I just have this feeling that Andre is very Prince like and that he is a gentleman and would do anything for his girlfriend aka his princess. He'd go as far as bowing every time your in his presence. Andre thinks of you as his princess so that is his contact name for you just to remind himself. And because of how he acts around and toward you, his contact name in your phone has the missing half of Prince Charming.

Robbie: HFY: Love

YFH: Lover

Why: People have told Robbie that he would never find love and would never be in a relationship with a real girl. So I think that he would have your contact name as "Love" for the sheer reason to remind himself that everyone was wrong about him and that he found an amazing person to love and to hold. I think you would have him as "Lover" because he loves you a lot. He always shows that he loves you and he loves you so much that it's a huge part of who he is and so he's your lover.

Tori: HFY: Dream Girl

YFH: Love of my Life

Why: Tori didn't even know what her type was until she met you. When she met you, she realized what her dream girl is, it's you. While Tori figured out you were her dream girl, you quickly figured out she was the love of your life.

Cat: HFY: Candy

YFH: Bubbles

Why: Cat loves sweet things and what's sweeter than you? Answer, nothing. So because Cat loves sweets and loves you therefore your contact name is Candy. Cat, as much as we all love her, can be an airhead. However, she can also be a lot of fun to be around, so when you combine the two, you get her contact name Bubbles

Jade: HFY: Babygirl

YFH: Babygirl

Why: I have this concept that Jade is the total dom in your relationship okay? Okay. So I think she would call you babygirl when she's feeling like a top, which is always. So I think that this would totally transfer into her phone where your contact name resides. I also think though that Jade isn't a top all the time. I definitely think there are times where Jade lets go of her bad girl attitude and just is a huge softy for you. So I think that you jokingly put her name in your phone as babygirl because that's what she can be, just a big baby. I also don't think that Jade knows that's your contact name for her because I think she would make you change it because "What if someone sees? They can't know I can go soft. It'd ruin my reputation."

I'm sorry if that wasn't comprehendable it is currently midnight 16 and I'm in a caffeine induced typing spree.... But if you did comprehend it, leave a like! I also have never written these before and I didn't really know what I was doing, I'm so sorry.

Question of the Update: What do you like to do for fun? Sports, music, art, theatre? I love writing, reading, listening to music and acting! What about you? Leave your answers in the comments below!



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