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Beck: I was cuddling with my boyfriend in his trailer. We were facing each other having a quiet conversation when Beck's face contorted. "What?" I asked. He didn't answer. But he turned his head so he was looking the other way and he let out a sneeze. "Awe!" I exclaimed as he turned back to me. He gave me a confused look. "What?" he asked. "Your sneeze sounds like a little kitten! It's so adorable." I said pinching his cheek. He playfully glared at me. "I am not adorable. I am a manly man. So ha!" He exclaimed. I pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Whatever you say"

Andre: I was lying on my couch feeling miserable. "Hey Blossom." my boyfriend said. "Hey Bo-" I was cut off by a hacking cough escaping my mouth. Andre winced at the sound of my cough. "I brought you some cough medicine and some cough drops." He said offering up the bag. "Thanks." I mumbled. He walked over to where I was sitting. He handed me the sack and I took it, opening the bag. I took a cough drop out of the bag and popped it in my mouth. My nose twitched and I let out a sneeze. After I sneezed I immediately went into a coughing fit. After I calmed down I went to suck on my cough drop... But it wasn't in my mouth. I looked over at Andre and I found it. It was stuck on his sweatshirt. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He peeled it off and put it in a Kleenex. "It's all good love." He said sweetly. I put another cough drop into my mouth. I snuggled into the pillow and blanket. "Nighty night Andre." I muttered closing my eyes. "Goodnight love."

Robbie: I sighed as I placed a hand on my boyfriend's forehead. "Well you have a fever, so you're not going to school." I told Robbie. He let out a groan. "So I'll go make you some soup, and call us in." I told him removing my hand from his head. He grabbed my hand causing me to stop. "Us?" He questioned. "Well I'm not going to leave you here alone." I told him. He gave me a soft smile. I leaned down to press a kiss to his nose. Big mistake. As my lips were about to meet his nose, Robbie sneezed, right in my face. I pulled back as if someone had burned me. "I'm so sorry." He apologized. I ran a hand down my face. "Don't worry about it." I said walking into the bathroom. "Love you." Robbie called. I began to run some water and wash my face "Love you too."

Tori: I was walking down the hall with my girlfriend, our fingers interlocked. Suddenly Tori let out a sneeze. "Bless Yo-" Before I could finish my sentence she sneezed once again. "Bless yo-" And again. "Bless-" Once more. "Bl-" And again. "I ain't blessing you no more!" I exclaimed as I began to run away from her. "Hey!" She exclaimed and then she sneezed again. She then began chasing me. "Get back here and bless me!"

Cat: "Achoo!" I sneezed as I walked down the hallway. I woke up this morning and I felt awful. But finals are even more awful. So that's why I'm at school. I sneezed again as I approached my girlfriend. "Hey Giggles." I said, my nose stuffed. "Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded my head. I sneezed again. "No you're not... Why are you here?" She asked. "I can't miss anymore school. I don't want to take finals." Cat let out a sigh. "Okay, But after school you and I are going to your house and I'm going to take care of you and you are going to get better." She stated sternly. I let out another sneeze and then nodded my head. "Sounds like a plan."

Jade: My girlfriend had invited me over for a movie night. So I threw on some PJs, grabbed some junk food and made my way over to her house. So there we laid on her bed, the movie playing. For a while the only sound was the TV but then I heard my girlfriend. "ACHOO!" She sneezed. I looked over to her and gave her a cheesy smile. "I would say bless you, but I see that the good Lord already has." She gave me a glare. "Bless you." I said. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Thank you. And thanks. I know I have been blessed. Especially with a girlfriend as hot as you are." I rolled my eyes, even though the heat was rising in my cheeks. She pressed a kiss to my lips. "You're so cute."

Hey my darlings!

I'm sorry this is so short! The end of my school year is approaching so that means a lot more homework and projects than usual. I'm sorry this is so crappy. I will try and publish an imagine at some point I'm not sure when. I'm planning on the next preference being Prom. And then maybe finals and a 'dating _____ would include.' not sure yet. But thank you for being so patient.

Question of the Update: Do you enjoy school? I don't. I don't have that many friends and I have some great teachers but some really shitty ones also that just ruin my day. I'm also in a lot of advanced classes so it can be hard for me. But it's almost over so that's good.



Stay Beautiful <3 

Thank you for your support and love. I love you guys <3  

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