Plus Size Latina/Latino

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Hello! This is a requested preference! I have decided that in this preference you are from Mexico, I hope that is okay! Also, in this preference if words are in italics, that means the words being spoken are in Spanish. I can speak only a little bit of Spanish, not enough to where I'm comfortable writing in Spanish and Google Translate kind of sucks sometimes so I think this is the best option. So yeah, here you go! I hope you enjoy!

Brat-Brat: can you do a request where the read is plus size ! maybe even latina ! if you're not a linguist i can help . besitos<3

Beck: I rolled my eyes as I leaned against my locker, phone pressed to my ear, "Yes, mom. I'll be home right after school." I responded to my mother. "Will Beck be joining you?" She questioned, "I have no idea. I'll text you and let you know okay?" "Okay, You'll text me right" "Mom! I just told you I would now-" my conversation was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I looked up and found Brittany in front of my with her arms crossed in front of her, "Momma I got to go. I'll see you after school. Love you." I hung up on my mom and turned my full attention to Brittany. "Umm, you're in America, you need to speak English." Brittany told me. I was taken back at her words. Who does she think she is? I went to respond but someone beat me to it.

"Do you know the national language of the US?" I sighed in relief, my boyfriend Beck to the rescue. "It's English duh" Brittany claimed snottily, rolling her eyes. Beck let out a fake laugh, "You see that's where you're wrong. The US doesn't have a national language. We're a melting pot, we have so many immigrants and people from all over the world that come to this country seeking a safe refuge, looking to make a start for themselves. To be honest, this country would fall apart without immigrants. Just because you're too racist to see it, doesn't mean it isn't true." Britany's jaw dropped open. Beck wrapped his arm around my shoulders and ushered me away before she had time to respond.

"Are you okay?" Beck questioned softly once we were out of earshot. I sighed, rested my head on his shoulder, and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. I just hate how racist some people can be." Beck sighed and adjusted so that he had me completely wrapped up in his arms. "I know baby. I'm sorry that you have to endure this type of stuff. It makes me so upset." I sighed and placed my head on his chest. "I know. It makes me upset too. But as long as I have you my papi chulo, I'll be alright." "You wanna get out of here and get something to eat?" Beck asked. I grinned up at him, "You know me so well!"

Andre: "You on your way over?" I directed my question to my phone that sat on the counter on speaker phone. "Yep. I'll be there in a couple of minutes. I'm very excited for this." my boyfriend chimed from the other side of the phone. I let out a small laugh, "Me too. I'm very excited to share more of myself and my culture with you!" I explained as I stirred the pot I was cooking in. "Me too! Alright I'm gonna hang up now, I'll be there in a little bit. Bye sweetheart!" "Bye Chulo!"

*itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny, time skip*

"Alright, so I might have gone a little bit overboard, but I have a lot of different dishes. Some aren't spicy, some are. Questions?" I asked, turning to my boyfriend that was staring at all of the food in wonder and excitement. "Yeah, why haven't we done this before?" He asked, grabbing a plate and moving around, looking over everything. I rolled my eyes, but laughed, grabbing a plate as well, "Because you've never asked before." I told him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Looking over the dishes, I gave Andre a quick run down of what everything was and where I would place it on the spice scale. After I was done, Andre very suddenly kiss me on the lips. When he pulled away, I stared at him in confusion. "What was that for?" I asked. Andre gave me a cheeky smile, shrugged and began filling up his plate. "I just love you lots" My cheeks flushed at his confession. "I love you lots too. Now let's eat."

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