Robbie Imagine-The Passing Down of Rex

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Requested? Yeppers

Basically my idea is it's years later and you, as the reader, are married to Robbie. You have a kid together and you've made the decision to pass Rex down to the kid

Thank you so much to girgal73 for the request! I hope this is okay and that you like it! 

Not going to lie, I was really worried about Robbie when we were in high school. He had Rex, his ventriloquist dummy, everywhere he went. You'd never see him without it. Robbie would use Rex as a coping mechanism in order to say the things that he was too shy to say. As well as, Rex was a way to get all of his self-loathing thoughts out of his head and into the world so that Robbie could have a way to defend himself against them. But once Robbie and I began to date, Robbie's use of his puppet began to decline. Now I'm not taking all of the credit, but I will say that I helped Robbie improve his self esteem a lot. By the time we were out of high school, you'd be lucky to see Rex once or twice a week. Right out of high school though, Robbie went on a comedy tour with Rex as it was really funny to see a guy get degraded by his own puppet, Helen's words not mine. But once Robbie returned Rex sat idle on a shelf for a long while.

Robbie and I went to the same college, both of us studying to become teachers. (Okay but I think it would be really cute if the two of you become teachers and go back and work at Hollywood Arts... Anyway) And then after we graduated, the two of us found a perfect little house close to Hollywood Arts where the two of us work. Rex somehow found his way in a box that made its way into the attic and didn't find its way out by either of us.

Really soon after we got jobs at Hollywood Arts, Robbie proposed and a couple months after we got married. Two years later, we had our first and only child, Eli (you can change the name if you want.) The three of us lived a very simple yet happy life, the box in the attic long forgotten, until one fateful day...

"Mom! Where are the Christmas lights?" My fourteen year-old son called from the living room. I sighed at the question, "I don't know baby, maybe in the attic" I called back from the kitchen where I was making dinner. Eli popped his head around the wall, "Can I go look." I gave a slight nod, "Just be careful, I'm not sure what all is up there." Eli gave me a slight nod back, "Sure thing momma." And then his face disappeared around the wall and I went back to making dinner.

As I was making dinner, I heard the front door open. "Honey, I'm home." Robbie called out. "Hi baby," I called back. I heard the front door close and footsteps approach the kitchen. Robbie found his way to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist, and pressed a kiss to my head and then my lips. "Hi baby," Robbie greeted. "Hi honey," I greeted back, pulling away to throw some vegetables in a pan. "How was your meeting?" I asked stirring the pan. I heard Robbie sighed and picked up a knife and cutting up the fruit I had set out. "It was okay but you know how some parents can be." I let out a single laugh at that, heck yeah I did.

I then heard Eli's footsteps approach the kitchen. I watched as Eli turned the corner with a box in his hands, Eli staring intensely in it. "Hey bud," Robbie greeted his son. "Hey dad," Eli muttered back, not looking up from the box. I furrowed my brow, turned off the stove, and turned around, "Find the lights?" I asked confused by his focus in the box. "No, but I found this," He explained, putting the box down and pulling out an old puppet that we had long forgotten about.

The sight Robbie's old "friend" caused a gasp to escape both of our throats and caused the knife Robbie was using to fall out of his hand. "What is this?" Eil asked. Robbie moved away from the counter and toward our son. "That's... Um," Robbie began, clearing his throat, reaching toward the puppet, "That's Rex... This is Rex." He finished, resting the puppet on his arm just like old times. "Hey Rob, long time no see." "Rex" said, causing Eli to gasp at Robbie's talent. "Dad, what the heck?" Eli gasped. "Who is this?" Rex asked. It was so weird hearing Rex speak after all these years. "Rex, this is my son Eli... Eli this is Rex, he was... is my puppet. He's how got in Hollywood Arts..." Robbie told Eli. Eli was standing there, gaping at his father like a fish out of water. "You mean you're a ventriloquist?" Eli exclaimed.

Robbie rubbed the back of his head with his free hand, "Once upon a time I was. I was a really, really shy and awkward kid. So one day my dad came home with this puppet and told me that he would be my new friend and that he's not be afraid to say whatever he wants. He soon came to regret that choice of words," Robbie said with a chuckle in his voice. "Because I created a personality for Rex and distanced myself from him, even though I was the one saying the things, I blamed it on Rex himself. Then, I met your mother and soon Rex became another trinket on the shelf... Then when we moved into this house he must have found his way in a box that got in the attic and never came out." Robbie finished, staring at the puppet.

The kitchen was quiet for a little bit before Robbie spoke up again, "Do you want him?" Eli's eyes got wider, as if that were possible, "You wanna give him to me?" Eli questioned, staring at the puppet. Robbie shrugged with a half smile, "Yeah. Rex will always have a place in my heart but I don't need him anymore... I could teach you how to use him, if you want." Robbie offered. Eli's shocked face turned to one of joy, with a grin he replied, "Yeah... Yeah! I would love that! Thank you dad!" Robbie looked up and gave Eli a soft smile. "Yeah, no problem." Robbie looked over the puppet cradled in his arms one last time before extending the dummy out to Eli. Eli, stared at the doll for a moment before gingerly taking Rex from Robbie's arms.

*Later that evening*

I stood at the foot at Robbie and I's shared bed, folding some laundry before we went to sleep. I turned my head and gave Robbie a soft smile. "Hey," I greeted softly, turning back to the laundry basket. Robbie walked up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and buried his face in the back of my shoulder. "Hey," he responded, giving a small kiss where his head rested. "It was so weird seeing Rex today," I admitted. Robbie let out a chuckle and moved his head to rest on top of my shoulder, "It was so weird to be Rex again. I haven't spoken like that since... Well since the last time I used Rex, which was years ago." Robbie said.

I hummed at the statement, before turning around to face my husband. "I do know that you made Eli really happy by offering to teach him your art." Robbie hummed in response before pressing a kiss to my lips. "And I know that I am going to be very happy to teach him my art," Robbie said, the last part being said in a mocking tone. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Robbie laughed and pressed another kiss to my lips. "But for real though. I think this is going to be a really great for both Eli and me."

Ugh, I'm sorry I suck at endings. I hope you enjoyed this imagine or oneshot. Tell you the truth, I don't know the difference between the two. If you did like it be sure to give to give it a like, I'd very much appreciate it!

Question of the Update: What is your favorite song/album/type of music? I really love musicals and so that's what I listen to the most. I don't have a favorite musical, I love all of my babies equally. Leave your answers in the comments below!



What's coming up:

-Phone Names

-Dating Would Include

-An Andre Imagine

-A Jade Imagine

-They Defend You

-Red-String Soulmate AU

-A Beck Imagine

-A Robbie Imagine

-And much, much more! (Please note if you don't see your request on here, trust me, I have it on my actual queue list. This is just a little taste of it so my wonderful readers know what's to come!)

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