You have a Childlike/Innocent Personality

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Hello and thank you for coming back for another update! I am very happy to have you here!

Chuubabey: can i request a preference for your victorious book where you have a personality that's similar to cat's (in the later episodes, more childish and innocent)? thank you in advance!

Thank you for the request! I hope you like it!

Beck: I let out a gasp as my eyes scanned all of the neon lights that illuminated all of the carnival rides and booths. I tried to rush forward, but was held back by my boyfriend, who wasn't moving as fast as me. "Beck!" I whined, tugging his hand in order to try and get him to move faster, "Come on, come on!" Beck said nothing, instead he chuckled and picked up his slow pace. "Finally!" I cheered. The two of us made our way to the ticket booth and got wristbands that allowed us to ride as many rides as we wanted. "What do you want to ride first?" Beck asked, helping me secure my wristband on my wrist. I looked around at all of the rides before pointing to my favorite, "That one!" I exclaimed. "Let's go then!" Beck said, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the ride.

*Time Skip, a little while later*

I giggled, leaning into Beck as I took another bite of my cotton candy. "You know, you and that cotton candy share a lot in common" My boyfriend commented as we walked through the game booths. "Oh yeah?" I questioned, an eyebrow raised. "Yep. You're both made out of sugar and are too sweet!" He claimed, pressing a kiss to my cheek. I let out another laugh at his words, "No you're the one that's too--OH MY GOODNESS!!" I shouted at the sight in front of me. A giant teddy bear hung from the roof of one of the carnival game booths. "Beck! I want it!" I exclaimed, turning to my boyfriend. Beck laughed at me, but nodded, "Okay. Let's go see if I can win the game okay?" I bobbed my head in excitement, "Well what are we waiting for?" I questioned, running ahead and dragging Beck with me.

"HI!" I greeted the carnie with a little too much enthusiasm. "How do you win the big teddy bear?" I questioned the man in front of me. He let out a chuckle and motioned to the milk jugs that were stacked in a tower behind him. (Do y'all know what I'm talking about?) "Simple, if you knock down all three towers, you get a big prize, big prize being that big teddy bear there." I turned to Beck, my eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Well, do you think you can do it?" I questioned my boyfriend. Beck scanned the towers and nodded, "With you believing in me, I can do anything." I scoffed and shoved his shoulder a little bit, "You're cheesy!" I exclaimed. Beck chuckled and pressed a kiss to my cheek, "You love it" "I love you... Now please win me a big teddy bear!" I practically begged the boy. Beck chuckled to the carnie, "How much?" "Three balls for five dollars." Beck nodded and pulled out a bill from his pocket and handed it over. The carnie in turn gave Beck the three baseballs.

Beck adjusted his stance and began to throw the balls. I let out a little squeak as the first tower crashed completely down. I gasped as the same thing happened with the second tower. I bit my lower lips and bounced on my feet in anticipation. Beck took a deep breath and let it out before throwing the ball as hard as he could at the final tower. I let out a shout in happiness as the third tower broke apart and fell onto the floor. "You did it!" I squealed, throwing my arms around my boyfriend's neck. "I told you I would." I let go and turned back to the carnie, who now held the bear I wanted in his arms. "One big ole teddy bear" He announced, handing me the big stuffed animal.

I quickly handed my cotton candy to my boyfriend and squealed, rushing forward to claim the prize. I wrapped my arms around the huge stuffed animal. "It's so fluffy!" I shouted, looking at my boyfriend. He let out another laugh and wrapped an arm around my waist. The two of us walked away from the booth.

Thank yous kept spilling out of my mouth to my boyfriend. Beck's chuckle cut me off. "You don't have to keep thanking me baby. I won it for you." He claimed, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. I rolled my eyes at his words, "Doesn't mean I can't be thankful" I mumbled, poking my tongue out at my boyfriend. Beck chuckled once more and tightened his grip around my waist. "You're too cute" "And you're too sweet. I love you" "I love you too"

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