How you Cuddle

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Beck: So as we learned in the hugging preference, Beck likes to hold you from behind, so it's no surprise that you guys cuddle in the spooning positions with Beck being in big spoon. Beck loves it because he gets to hug you from behind and bury his face in your hair or your neck. He can play with your hair, stare at your face, maybe even pull a Nemo and touch the butt... You like the way you cuddle because, even though you're a strong independent person, you get to be wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms and feel very protected. You also get to play with Beck's hands and let him touch your butt (If you're not comfortable with that, he'd totally understand and wouldn't do it). You guys would be under so many blankets and be so close together that the warmth would be enough to make the iceberg that sank the Titanic melt!

Andre: Like I mentioned, Andre basically lets you do whatever you want. So he'll lay on his back, a position he is comfortable in, and will wait for you to tell him how to move so you can cuddle how you want to. Much to his surprise, you don't tell him to move. You actually climb up beside him, roll on your side so that you're facing him. Then you koala wrap your body around his. You wrap your arms just below his pecs. Then you move your legs to where one of his legs is sandwiched between both of yours. Once your comfortable, Andre wraps an arm around your shoulders and brings you closer to his body, and puts his other hand behind his head. Somedays you two talk about anything and everything, other days you close your eyes and take a nap while Andre stares at your beauty until he drifts off himself.

Robbie: Robbie is awkward but is a very soft boi. So you two both lay on your sides, facing each other, but your heads are not even. Robbie likes to bury his face in your abdomen (Not your boobs/pecs/chest and not your stomach, rather the area in between the two). Robbie's arms are wrapped around your thighs and your hands are buried in his hair. The two of you don't talk, rather you bask in the silence and just enjoy each other's company.

Tori: Like with Robbie's, you two lie on your sides facing each other. But in cuddling Tori, your heads are even. You two looking in each other's eyes, your legs are tangled together. The position of your legs is never the same twice. Your arm is draped over Tori's side while hers is draped over yours. At first, there is silence between the two of you, there is just staring, enjoying the other's beauty and grace. Then the silence is usually broken with a compliment. The compliment is then returned, and is often given with a sweet kiss. Then the two of you just talk about everything that crosses your mind.

Cat: Much like with her hugs, Cat clings to you and doesn't let go. Both of you are laying on your sides, facing each other. Cat is positioned just a little bit lower than you. This allows her to wrap her arms around your middle, tangle your legs together, and cuddle her head into your chest. She loves this because not only is she close to you, she can also hear your heartbeat. Your heartbeat is so loud and strong and it makes her feel calm and protected. Because her head is in your chest, you have easy access to put your chin on the top of her head. Your arms wrap around her shoulders in a gentle cradle and your legs allow themselves to be tangled with Cat's. Although Cat is very talkative, she is quiet during your cuddle sessions so that she can focus on your breathing, your heartbeat, and just your being in general.

Jade: Something Jade takes great pride in is making sure that you always feel safe and comfortable, this extends to the way you two cuddle. Jade lies down and then you lay on top of her, chest to chest and face to face. Jade wraps her arms around your waist, right above you butt. Your arms don't quite wrap around Jade. Rather your hands grab her shoulders and your arms fall by her side. While cuddling, Jade presses tons of kisses to your whole face and your lips while you giggle at her actions. You two talk about everything and anything that comes to mind. Often times you'll fall asleep on her chest and Jade just lets you. She won't move, except for moving one of her hands up to your hair. She'd stare at your beautiful face as she plays with your hair lolling you into a deeper sleep.

Question of the Update: Do you got any games on your phone? And by that I mean what's your favorite game right now (Mobile, Board, Puzzles, anything really.) I really like puzzle games, things where you have to figure out what to do next and such... Leave your answers in the comments below!



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