They Walk in on you Changing

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Okay so I know this was requested but I cannot remember who requested it and I cannot find the message, I'm sorry! I hope you enjoy this!!

Beck: "Stupid, stupid me." I muttered to myself as I stomped into my room, pathetically dabbing at the growing wet stain on my shirt. Beck was over to watch movies with me, and I had gone to the kitchen to get a drink. I got a glass of water and put a straw in it, then Beck walked in. I went to take a drink and momentarily got distracted by Beck's beauty and forgot how a straw worked. I put the straw in my mouth and then tilted the glass to take a drink, thus dumping the liquid all down my front. Beck did nothing but laugh at my misfortune causing me to stomp away to my room.

"Why me? You know other people can act normal around their boyfriend, but nooooo I have to go and always embarrass myself," I grumbled out, pulling my shirt off over my head, leaving my stomach and chest exposed. "And he didn't even try to hide the fact that I made a dumb mistake, he laughed at me. Flat out laughed at me." I mumbled to myself, as I rummaged through my drawers looking for a new shirt. "Because you should have seen your face when you realized what you were doing. It was so funny." my boyfriend's voice said, causing me to jump and whip toward him. "Beck! What are you doing in here?" I hissed, wrapping my arms around my body in an attempt to hide my body.

Beck smirked at the weak attempt of hiding myself from him. "Well, I came to check on you. You seemed pretty upset when you stomped out." I rolled my eyes and pointed an accusing finger at him. "It's only because you laughed at me causing me to get embarrassed." I admitted, my voice still accusing him, "Now get out so I can change in peace." My words caused Beck's lip to form a fake pout. "Oh I see, you don't want me here." I glared at my boyfriend, "You know that's not true. It's just that-" "No I get it," Beck cut me off, moving toward the door. "You don't want me here. I've embarrassed you and now you want me to leave. I guess I'll be on my way then." I knew the game he was playing, but it still made me feel guilty. I sighed in exasperation, "Fine! You can stay you jerk." Beck chuckled at me, "Yay!" He exclaimed with "excitement" causing me to scoff and turn back to my search for a shirt.

Suddenly I felt cool arms wrap themselves around my bare flesh and felt a soft kiss on the back of my shoulder, "You're so beautiful." Beck murmured against my skin, causing my face to blush. "Yeah, yeah," I muttered, sliding the new shirt I'd found over my head. I turned around in Beck's arms and placed a light kiss to his lips, "I'm serious. You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

Andre: I sighed as I pulled my pajama shirt over my head, leaving my chest bare. This is my least favorite time of day, actually waking up and having to put on 'people clothes' or clothes you wear around people and then going to school. Believe you me, if I could lie in bed all day everyday, I so would.

Anway, I began to look through my closet for an actual outfit I could wear when my door burst open, causing me to let out a short scream. "Hey baby, I brought you-- stop screaming it's me-- I brought you some breakfast." My boyfriend Andre said, closing the door behind him and turning to face me, my arms clutching myself. "Andre!" I exclaimed. "Wow," Andre said, his eyes not leaving my bare form. I opened my mouth to yell at him to get out but his voice covered mine, "You're so beautiful baby. Oh my gosh, how did I get so lucky to get to love you? I'm literally the luckiest guy in the whole wide world." His words caused my face to blush a bright red. I quickly reached into my closet, grabbing a random shirt and tugging it over my head. "Aw man! I was enjoying the view." Andre complained.

I rushed toward him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, taking the bag of breakfast out his hand, "Thanks for breakfast baby, but get out so I can get ready." Andre's lips puckered into a cute pout, his eyes turning into irresistible puppy dog eyes, "You mean I can't stay?" Andre whined, plopping himself down on my bed and crossing his arms in protest. I sighed, knowing I couldn't say no when he acts like this. "Okay. Just this once you can stay." Andre clapped his hands and let a slight cheer. "Yay! Now come sit down and eat breakfast with me!" I rolled my eyes but complied. "You suck, you know that?" I questioned, sitting down next to him, placing the bag between us. Andre grinned, leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Oh I know. But you looooove me!" "That I do"

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