Soulmate AUs!!

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AKA: My favorite preference ever!!!!!!!

Beck: 16 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 8 minutes and 46 seconds. My mom tells me that's how much time was on my little wrist when I was born. That was how much time was left before I met my soulmate. Of course as the years have gone by, the little timer on my wrist has slowly counted down the seconds until I finally got to meet my soulmate. And it seemed that today was that day. The timer on my wrist told me that I had an hour and six minutes until I got to see my soulmate. I was starting my new school today, Hollywood Arts. I was doing a small gig in a little cafe when the principal approached me and told me he would love for me to be apart of his school. I smoothed out my outfit. I have to look good for my soulmate. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room with my bookbag and downstairs and into my kitchen where my mom stood making breakfast. At the sound of my footsteps my mom turned around with a smile on her face. She looked me up and down and gave me a sad smile. "You are so beautiful." She said as she leaned down kissing my forehead. "Thanks mom. I love you." "I love you too babygirl." She turned back to the stove. I set my bag on the chair next to mine and I sat down. "So are you excited?" My mom asked placing a plate of food in front of me. I shrugged putting my fork in my mouth. "Yeah, but mostly nervous." I told her. She gave me another smile. "That's fine. I almost threw up the day I met your father." I giggled at her story. "I hope the same thing doesn't happen to you." I smiled, "Me neither."

*Time Skip*

I glanced down anxiously at the little timer on my wrist. Only a few more minutes to go until I meet my soulmate. "Looks like you have Sikowitz first hour. Here's your schedule and your information. You have a nice day." The sweet office lady told me handing me a piece of paper. "I gave her a smile and thanked her before walking out. I began my journey down the hallway, more anxious about my wrist than I was the first day. My timer beeped letting me know that I had one minute left. I began breathing more heavily. "You can do this. Just breathe. I mean you are soulmates, so they're bound to love you. Okay, okay you got this. 30 seconds." I began my walk back to the classroom. I found the classroom and began reaching for the door handle. A hand met mine on the handle. My head snapped up to meet a pair of gorgeous brown eyes. A long beep was heard from my wrist. I gave him a smile. "I'm Y/N." I introduced myself. "I'm Beck." He answered with a giant smile. "I have been waiting 16 years, 6 months, 2 weeks, 5 days, 8 minutes and 46 seconds to meet you." I told him. Beck gave me a smile and ran a hand through his hair. "Well Sorry about that ma'am. I hope I was well worth the wait." I gave him a grin, letting him see my white teeth. "I'm glad to say you were." He gave me a smile. He then opened the door as the bell rang. "Shall we." "We shall."

Andre: I sighed as I passed the flower shop, as I did everyday. Don't get me wrong, they were very beautiful, but you know what would make them more beautiful? Color. If only I could see them in color, maybe I'd appreciate them more. You see, until the moment you lock eyes with your soulmate your world is black and white. You can't see any of the colors of the world. I have lived 16, almost 17, years without seeing them. But oh, how I yearned to see them. I was in so deep a thought that I didn't realize I was about to run into someone, until it was too late. My body flew back and it almost hit the concrete, notice how I said almost. Arms, were wrapped around me, arms that stopped me from hitting the ground. The arms steadied me and then let me go. "I'm so sorry about that." I said not looking up. "It's quite alright." A male voice said. I looked up into a pair of eyes. Suddenly the eyes, weren't black and white, they slowly filled with color. I began to look around at this new world, the grey and the blacks and the whites began to fade, fade into colors. I turned back around and smiled at the one who helped me. He was also looking around with a smile. Finally his eyes met mine again. "My name is Andre... But I guess you can call me your soulmate."

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