How you meet

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*Quick Warning. In the Tori preference you and Tori openly state you are lesbians. So please if that makes you uncomfortable or mad please don't read it.*

Beck *His P.O.V.*: "Hey man. Thanks for the ride." I told Andre as I slipped into his car. "No problem man." All the sudden his phone went off and he groaned. "What's up?" I asked him. "My little sister needs a ride home. She missed the bus. Do you mind if we...." He trailed off. "Nah. I don't mind. I've never met your sister." I said as we drove off towards what I assumed was a regular high school. "She's very shy. She also has social anxiety and really doesn't like meeting new people" Andre said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't worry I warned her." He said reading my thoughts. I nodded and he turned on the radio. Soon we arrived at a school. There were only a few kids left. Andre let out a little honk and one girl who was sitting on a bench looked up and gathered her stuff. She slowly walked over taking in deep breaths. She opened the door behind the driver's seat and she slid in. "Hey baby girl." Andre said. "Hey big bro." She whispered. "How was your day?" He asked the girl. "We drew portraits in art today. I drew one of you. Which is why I missed the bus. Because I had to make yours perfect." She said, her voice getting louder as she spoke of drawing. "I hope I didn't cause you any trouble." She said quieter. "No, of course not. Beck this is Y/N. Y/N this is my friend Beck." Andre said as he pulled out of the school's parking lot. "Hi," I said. "It's nice to meet you". "Hey" She said quietly. It was quiet for a second. "It's nice to meet you too." She said. Andre smiled. I guess his sister didn't normally do that. "What's your favorite color?" She asked. I guess this was her way of making conversation. "Mine's blue. Like the ocean." I thought for a second "Green. Like the forest." Y/N nodded and scribbled something down in a little notebook. "Y/N likes art" Andre said. Y/N nodded sticking her tongue out picking up a sketch book. She started to doodle and it was quiet. We pulled up to my trailer. "Thanks for the ride. It was great meeting you Y/N." I said opening the car door. "Wait!" Y/N said. I stopped and turned to her. She ripped a page out of her sketch book and handed it to me. It was me. But not me. It was so incredible. "I hope you like it." She said. "It's amazing." I said in awe. "Thank you." She said. I stared at the picture a little longer before I said "Thank you again. Both of you. Goodbye," I said to them getting out of the car. "Goodbye." They said. I shut the door and they drove away. Man I hope I see her again.

Andre: I sat on my couch eating grapes watching a movie. "Hey Y/N" Tori said as she walked over and sat down next to me. "Hey sis. How's it going?" I asker her. "Alright. Hey I have a friend coming over from school. Is that alright?" "Yeah of course you go you freaky talented girl you." "Hey you're freaky talented too but you won't show it." I rolled my eyes and turned back to my movie. There was a knock on the door. "You'll get it." I told my sister. She chuckled and rolled her eyes at my antics. You see our older sister Trina will always do that to us. So she got up and opened the door. There stood the cutest guy ever. "Hey Tori." He said. "Hey Andre... This is my twin Y/N" He looked over at me and I gave him a slight wave. "You two look nothing alike." He pointed out. Tori and I rolled our eyes together. "We're fraternal." We said at the same time. That happened a lot. He looked startled but nodded. "So do you go to Hollywood Arts?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Nope only my super talented sister.... and Trina." He let out a laugh. Tori rolled her eyes. "She doesn't but she should. She can sing, act, direct and draw." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Whatever, don't you have a project to be doing?" I asked. "Oh yeah." Tori realised. "Well it was nice meeting you Y/N. We should hang out sometime." Andre said as he was being pulled away by Tori. I nodded and smiled. "Until then."

Robbie: I was being pulled down the hall by my over hyper sister, Cat. I had joined Hollywood Arts for my dancing and singing and Cat couldn't be any more excited. She ran over to a group of people. "Guys!" She yelled even though no one was talking. "This is my sister Y/N. She just joined Hollywood Arts." Most of them smiled and welcomed me. "You must be Jade." I said to the one girl that didn't smile and welcome me. She just moved closer to a boy that stood next to her "And you're Beck." I told him. I then proceeded to guess the names of each of the teens. "Cat has told me all about you." The girl called Tori stepped forward. "It's nice to meet you Y/N and welcome to Hollywood Arts." "Thanks. I look forward to going to school with you guys."

Tori: So we are apparently getting a new girl who wasn't half bad at singing. She had filled in for that wretched Trina girl. The girl was Tori Vega and she was apparently Trina's sister. Anyway me and my sister walk into Sikowitz's class to see that Tori girl rubbing on Beck, Jade's boyfriend. "Dude" I exclaimed. Both of their heads snap to me. "Why you rubbin on my boyfriend" Jade continued. The Tori girl looked frightened af. "No, no it's not like that. I accidentally spilled my coffee on him and I was trying to get it off. I'm also a lesbian." She said. Well that interested me. I went to say something but Jade cut me off "Yeah. So is Y/N but that doesn't mean you get to touch my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes but nodded. "Yeah." I backed her up. Tori looked at me and then back to Jade. "I'm sorry." She squeaked. "You should be." Jade said darkly. Before anything else could happen Beck stepped in and pulled Jade and I to our seats. "It's her first day you couldn't wait until tomorrow to threaten her." Both Jade and I gave Beck our look of pure evil! As we like to call it. Beck sighed "Okay."

Cat: "Beck!" I called as I walked through the unfamiliar halls of my brother's school. I got off early that day from school and I couldn't stay home because I don't have a key and I hang out with Beck. "Beck! Be-" I was cut off as I bumped into someone. I fell onto the ground, "Oh my gosh I am so sorry." The person exclaimed. "No it's okay. I wasn't paying attention." I told them. I looked up and saw a girl with very red hair. "I'm Cat" She told me holding her hand out. I took and stood up. "I'm Y/N." She nodded. "Did I hear you calling for Beck?" She asked. I nodded. "He's my brother. Do you know where he is?" I asked. She shook her head and my hope was crushed. "But I do know the bell rings in two minutes and he has Sikowitz's last hour and so do I!" She exclaimed. "Sweet! Will you show me the way?" I asked. She nodded and took my arm. "This way." She began to run down the hallway. "Okay, okay!" I yelled as she dragged me. And that is how I met Cat.

Jade (Beck and Jade were never a thing): It was my very first day at Hollywood Arts. I had met a few new people but no one seemed to stick out at me. That was until lunch. "Um.. Can I get chicken fingers and tator-tots? I asked the man in the truck. He nodded and went into his truck to get my things. Once he got them I paid for them and grabbed them. Not really paying attention I turned around and ran straight into someone. My Tator-tots went flying out of my hand and straight onto the person I ran into. "I am so sorry!" I exclaimed as everything fell down. The person I ran into slowly looked up. It was a girl about my age. She had black hair with very vibrant splashes of color. She looked like she was about to yell at me and I braced myself. But then she saw my face and her face softened. Then it hardened again. "Just.... Watch where you're going" She snapped at me before storming away with tator-tots in her hair. "I'm Y/N" I shouted to her. When she was no longer in sight I turned and put my forehead in my palm. "Stupid." "I seen you've met Jade" Someone said to the left of me. I jumped and turned. There stood a boy with black hair. "I'm Beck. Don't worry about Jade she can be a drama queen." I held out my hand. "I'm Y/N" He took my hand "I know. You kinda screamed it." I blushed. "Well I didn't mean to do that..." "I know. You want to come it by me and my friends." He asked gesturing to a table. I nodded tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I would like that." We then walked over to a table.

Hey! How are you my darlings?

A question so I can get to know you better: Who is your favorite Victorious character? Mine is Beck. He is so nice and I just love him. The next preference is going to be 'The Silent Treatment'. I again don't know when it will be up but hopefully soon

Stay your awesome self



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