They get jealous *Their P.O.V.

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All of these preferences are in their P.O.V. (Point of View)

Beck: I was leaning on my locker waiting for my girlfriend. I wasn't waiting long before she walked in. I was about to approach her but then I saw someone enter behind her. He said something and she turned her head and laughed. Something bubbled up in the pits of my stomach. Who was she with? And why was she laughing? Is she.... No Beck stop thinking like that. Y/N would never do that to you. Y/N saw me, smiled and waved. I gave her a half smile a small wave. She furrowed her brow, turned to the guy and said something. He nodded, they shared a hug, causing me to roll my eyes and turn my head. I heard her footsteps approach. "Beck?" She asked. I hummed in response. "What's wrong?" She asked. I turned back and faced her. "Nothing... I'm fine. I promise." She glared at me as if she were trying to figure out if I were lying or not. She must have believed me, which made me feel bad for lying. "Okay... Hey, I didn't get to introduce you to my cousin." I took a moment to respond. "Your cousin?" I asked. She nodded, "Yeah, he's starts Hollywood Arts today. I think you'd like him." She told me. I nodded my head. "Oh, okay." Just then the bell rang. I put my arm over her shoulder and together we walked to our class. "Wait, were you jealous?" She asked me. I didn't look at her. "Nope. Not one bit." "Yes you were!" She exclaimed. I leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Okay maybe a little." She laughed. "I love you." "I love you too."

Andre: Y/N and I were at some random guys party. Y/N had been invited and she didn't want to go alone so she asked me to come with her, which I agreed to. So here we sat on the couch in the dude's living room. I had learned the guys name was Kevin. "Hey Y/N do you remember back in grade school when you used to play softball?" Y/N glared at Kevin playfully. "Shut up. Don't bring that up!" She said. I stared at my girlfriend. Why did I not know about this? Why did this guy know this about my girlfriend? "I don't want to talk about my softball days." She stated plainly. "Oh come on! You were the best one on the team. It's a shame you quit. You hit two home runs and one grand slam, in a game." Why does Kevin know this about my girlfriend. My arm unintentionally got tighter around her waist causing her to look at me. She gave me a confused look. "You were amazing. It's a really shame you quit." Y/N's head snapped to Kevin. "I quit because your father sat me on the bench way to often. And then he forgot me on the line up one to many times." She stood up causing me to stand with her. "Come on Andre, we're leaving." I had no problem with that. She grabbed my hand and together we walked briskly out of the house. I opened the passenger door for her before climbing in the driver's side. We sat in silence for a few seconds. "I didn't know you played softball." I said to her. She turned her head to look at me. "It's not something that I like to talk about as you can tell." She said looking back out the window. I nodded and turned the key in the ignition before pulling out of the driveway. On our way back to her house, Y/N turned to me. "Were you jealous." This caused me blush a bit. "I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about. "Awe! Babe! It's okay. I thought that was cute." I cleared my throat and kept my eyes on the road. After a few more minutes of silence I looked over and found my girlfriend silently snoozing, head leaning on the car window. She's so beautiful.

Robbie: Y/N and I were watching a movie together. I was watching the movie intently while Y/N, was texting. I was okay with it at first. But then she never looked away from her phone. I heard her sigh and then the clicks of her phone. "Y/N, Pumpkin?" I asked. She hummed. "Who are you texting?" I asked, "Y/B/N (Your best friend's name)" I sighed. Why was she texting her? This was suppose to be our day. "Oh, okay." I said. She put her phone down and looked up at me. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing." I lied. She rose her eyebrow, she knew I was lying "No seriously Robbie, what's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing, it's fine." Just then a random girlfriend appeared on my lap. She straddled me and looked me in the eyes. "You tell me what's going on right now. Or you'll be here all day." I sighed knowing I couldn't lie anymore. "I just got a little jealous. This was suppose to be our day, but you were texting and I just felt a bit jealous." I told her. She gave me a soft smile. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way my love, it's just that Y/B/N just broke up with her boyfriend and needed some reassurance. I tell her that we'll talk later." I was about to protest, but she already had her phone out. She turned it off and tossed it to the side. She leaned up and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "Love you." She mumbled cuddling into my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. "Love you too."

Tori: Sikowitz had just put the cast list up. We were presenting "The Wizard of Oz" and I really wanted to be Dorothy. Sikowitz moved out of the way allowing the rest of us to look at what parts we got. I scanned the list for my name. I glanced at it and I got Dorothy!!! I scanned the lost again for my girlfriend's name. She also got Dorothy!..... Wait that doesn't make since. I looked back over to my name. Oh.... I'm Dorothy...... 's understudy... I sighed and looked over to my girlfriend who had a grin on her face. She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Can you believe it Tori!" I put on a fake smile for her sake. "I'm so proud of you Diamond!" I exclaimed. I really was, I may be jealous that it wasn't me. I love my girlfriend and I was excited for her. "And you're my understudy, so we'll get to spend more time together so we can memorize the lines!" I didn't think about that... So my fake smile was replaced with a really smile. "Yeah, we will."

Cat: "Hey Giggles I'm going to borrow some clothes okay?" I heard my girlfriend call from my bedroom. "Okay!" I called from my spot in the bathroom where I was brushing my hair. After stroke number 20 I set my brush down and ran a hand through my smooth hair. I then walked out of my room. I stopped and stared at my beautiful girlfriend. "You look.... Wow." I said looking Y/N up and down. She blushed and looked down at the ground. "It's not fair!" I exclaimed causing her to look up at me in curiosity. "I'm so jealous." "What's up buttercup?" She asked. I walked over to her and placed my hands on her waist. "You look so much better in my clothes than I do." I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her forehead on mine and our nose were touching. "That's kind of impossible because you are the most attractive human being I have ever laid eyes on." She told me. "Then you've never looked in a mirror." I told her. Just then she leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. My jealousy slowly melting away.

Jade: (A little A/N: When is Jade not jealous TBH lol): It was our lunch break here at Hollywood Arts. Y/N and I were sitting at our normal table with our friends.... Yes I said our... My arm was slung over her shoulders and her head resting on my shoulder as we ate. Just then Y/N sat up and leaned forward a little before swinging her legs out of the table and running over to the new girl who had arrived earlier today. I glared as I watched my girlfriend hug the new girl. When they let go, Y/N still had her hands gripping the girl's arms. They began to laugh. I felt the all too familiar feeling of jealousy bubble up in my stomach. I swung my legs out from under the table and began to walk over to the two of them. The others at our table began to talk amongst themselves. I stopped next to Y/N. Y/N turned and looked at me with a huge smile on her face. "Jade, this is Sierra. Sierra, this is my girlfriend Jade. Sierra and I used to go to normal high school together but then I transferred here." Y/N explained. I nodded, still not saying anything. Y/N turned back to this Sierra girl. "So how's Jake?" Y/N asked. "He's still Jake." "I ship you two so much." Y/N exclaimed. Oh... Sierra was straight... and she had a boyfriend. Y/N looked over at me and gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes. She knew I was jealous. "Well how about you come sit at our table so the two of you can catch up and so you can meet the rest of our friends." I suggested. "Really?" Sierra asked. I nodded my head. "That would be great, thank you so much!" I grabbed Y/N's hand and began walking back to our table. "I am so proud of you. Thank you" Y/N whispered as she pressed a kiss to my cheek. I smiled down at her. "Anything for you Babe.'' I told her. "Anything?" She asked. "Anything." I repeated. "In that case, I want a puppy." I sighed and rolled my eyes lovingly. What am I going to do with this girl?

Hey my darlings!

I am so sorry at the lack of updates. I'm trying super hard but I was super busy because I had a school musical that was eating up a lot of my time and then I had a bunch of homework after practices. But now it's over so hopefully I'll have more time to write!

Question of the Update: Do you have any siblings? I have an older sister, a younger sister and a younger brother. Leave your answers in the comments below.



Stay Beautiful <3

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