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Hello! I'm really sorry I didn't update last week. I fell behind on a lot of homework and totally forgot what day it was and I didn't have time to write and so I didn't get an update out. So I hope you can forgive me!

This imagine contains mention of being tortured and parents being murdered, please please please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable. That being said, in this imagine the reader, Y/N, and Jade are in a relationship and they are both 18. I hope you enjoy this.

Klark_Edge: My request is Jade x Reader where the reader has a horrible past (parents got murdered and the reader was tortured-) but all that aside, Jade finds out and helps the reader out, even letting the reader stay at her house.

So this imagine isn't exactly what you have requested, but I hope it's okay. It has a lot of a soft Jade and I love that about this. I hope you enjoy it!


I stared blankly at the white wall in front of me. A doctor and nurse moved around the room, mumbling to each other about me, but I wasn't listening. Everything felt numb. My mom is dead. My dad is dead. I should be dead... but I'm not. My body is numb. The injuries should hurt, but they don't. Whatever painkillers they're giving me, they're working really well. I feel nothing. I feel like I'm floating.

"Y/N?" The doctor asked gently. I slowly turned my head to face her and gave a little hum. "I'm Dr. Lily, I'll be keeping an eye on you for the next few days.You have a lot of bruises and bumps and cuts, but nothing too serious as far as physical injuries." Dr. Lily explained softly.

I opened my mouth to respond but was cut off by a commotion in the hallway, "WHERE IS SHE" a familiar voice screeched. "Ma'am! For the last time, I don't know who you're talking about! Now, you're going to have to lower your voice or I'm going to have to have security escort you out."

"Jade" I breathed out looking toward the door. "Is she here for you?" Dr. Lily asked. I gave her a slight nod. Dr. Lily walked over to the door and opened it. "Jade?" She asked into the hallway. "Who are you?" I heard Jade ask, "I'm Y/N's doctor. She's right in here" Dr. Lily explained, moving assigned and motioning in the room. I listened as Jade's rushed footsteps approached the door and finally my beautiful girlfriend entered the room.

Jade froze in the doorway at the sight of me in the bed, "Oh baby" she whispered before rushing over to me. Jade took a stand next to me and ran her hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry" she whispered resting her forehead on mine. I closed my eyes and for the first time in many hours, I was able to relax. "It's not your fault" I whispered back.

We were silent for a few moments, before Dr. Lily cleared her throat softly. Jade leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to my lips before turning toward the doctor. "Like I was telling Y/N, she has bumps, cuts and bruises but nothing too serious as far as physical injuries go. If you're feeling up to it, I believe the police are here and would like to ask you a couple of questions." Dr. Lily said softly. "Can I have a few minutes alone with Jade before I talk to the police." "Of course sweetie. You can just press your nurses button when you're ready." Dr. Lily explained quickly before Dr. Lily and the nurse swiftly stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind them.

As soon as the door closed, my eyes began to fill with tears. "Oh honey," Jade said sitting down on the bed next to me. Jade carefully wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her chest. "Just let it out baby. Let it all out." With that the dams broke and tears began streaming down my cheeks and onto Jade's shirt. Loud sobs exploded out of my mouth, I couldn't stop them if I tried. "They're gone" I sobbed, wrapping my arms around my girlfriend and clutching at her shirt. "They're fucking dead Jade. I watched them die. I was supposed to be next. They killed my parents and then were going to kill me too." I cried out into my girlfriend's chest.

One of Jade's hands threaded into my hair and she held me even closer than before. We were silent, my sobs dying down before they just became sniffles. "I'm sorry" I croaked out, "I didn't mean to dump that on you." I admitted, slightly pulling away and wiping my eyes. Jade pulled my head back and forced me to look in her eyes. "No baby. Don't ever apologize for dumping your feelings and problems on me. You're my girlfriend. I love you so much and I want you to feel safe with me and I want you to share everything with me." Jade whispered, pressing a kiss to my lips. I sniffed again, "I love you too baby" I whispered back to Jade.

We were quiet for a few more seconds before, "I don't know where I'm going to go after I get out of this place. I don't think I can ever go back into that house.... I don't ever want to go back in that house, please don't make me go back in the house." I begged, beginning to spiral. Jade reached out and grabbed my hands and squeezed them, "You won't have to go back there. I promise. I meant it when I said I wanted you to share everything with me. That includes my house. I want you to come and live with me. Only if you want to though." Jade said, kissing me again. "I want to live with you," I told her, "I love you" "I love you too," Jade repeated, pressing another kiss to my lips.

I sighed and leaned back into the hospital bed and stared at the nurse's button near my bed. "I guess I should press that button huh?" I wondered aloud. I felt Jade take my hand and intertwined our fingers. "I'll be right here by your side with you." Jade reassured me. I nodded, not looking at her, I reached out slowly and pressed the button.

And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed it! If you did please leave a like and maybe a comment!

Question of the Update: What movie title best describes your life? For me I think it would be something like "Just Go With It". I've never actually seen this movie, but my whole life I feel like I haven't had much control over it and so I've just had to go with it. I've had to go with whatever was going on. Or maybe "Invisible Sister", but we don't have time to unpack that lol. Leave your answers in the comments below!!



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