Chapter Two: Can I Punch You, Or Would That Be Inappropriate?

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Chapter Two: Can I Punch You, Or Would That Be Inappropriate?

It has been almost a week now since the strange, and hard to explain, events that occurred on a seemingly normal Saturday morning, and there have been no other incidences to do with water-that I know of anyways.

Having said that, there have been weird things that have happened that are unrelated to water.

For example, yesterday I lost my new phone while having a nap on the couch. I figured it must've slipped off and got knocked underneath it. So, as any normal human would do, I got on my hands and knees and looked for it. I was right about it being under the couch, but I had no way of getting it out from there. I couldn't stick my hand underneath because the space between the floor and the couch is too small. I called Greg over, and after a moment of aggressive arguing and impressive persuasion (involved me offering to let him have full control of the TV for two weeks) I convinced him to come help me.

Now, keep in mind that the last time that I had to lift the couch to retrieve something, I could hardly lift it and had to get my mom to help, and this was just three weeks ago.

I know, I'm pathetic. But don't judge me yet until you hear this.

This time when I lifted the couch, I was expecting the same result, but that wasn't the case. I lifted up the couch with so much ease that I scared myself and nearly dropped it right on Greg's head, resulting in him giving me a dirty look, before shaking his head and proceeding to grab my phone out. I put the couch back down on the floor and took my phone from him, wiping it off on my pants to remove the dust bunnies.

After Greg left and returned to his cave that he calls a room, I sat on the couch and started contemplating what I just did. I lifted up the couch, almost fully off the ground.

How did I do that?

You have powers, you idiot.

Ugh, I know. Shut up, brain.

Now, I sit at the lunch table in the crowded cafeteria, listening to about ten different conversations going on around me. All of which I'd prefer not to hear, but can't seem to stop hearing.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe Joel dumped you on your birthday!"

"So, did you get laid last night?"

"Yeah, it's that time of the month..."

Okay I think it's time to at least try and stop eavesdropping and pay attention to Dimitri who is still talking about his sister and how annoying she is. "She barged into my room last night when I was sleeping and started yelling at me for leaving the toilet seat up. My first issue with that is that I was sleeping and she scared the life out of me. My second issue with that is, she always leaves her clump of hair from her hairbrush in the garbage and sometimes when I'm half asleep I think it's a rat and nearly have a heart attack, yet I've never complained to her about it once!" He stuffs the remaining piece of his sandwich in his mouth. "Like, it's not my fault I forgot. It's just not something I think about." I cringe at the half chewed up food in his mouth as he speaks.

"Dude, don't talk with your mouth full. It's disgusting." I say and take a sip of water from my water bottle.

He groans and completely ignores my request. "You're acting like my sister." He grumbles, still showing off his food. I roll my eyes and look at the pasta salad in my Tupperware container, stabbing my fork into the noodles.

"Oh, so I forgot to tell you," I say, looking up at Dimitri. "My mom said I can sleep over this weekend." I tell him, but quickly realize that he isn't paying any attention to me. His gaze is fixated on something over my left shoulder. I turn around to figure out what he is staring at and I immediately realize. He is staring at none other than Gianna Lopez.

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