Chapter Twenty-One: Are You Kidding Me?

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Chapter Twenty-One: Are You Kidding Me?

I spent probably an hour at Gianna's house before leaving through the front door, saying goodbye to her mother. If I'm being completely honest here, things weren't even all that bad. If anything, I actually enjoyed myself. I know, crazy right?

It wasn't even a few months ago that Gianna hated my guts, and vice versa. But anyways, the only reason I left was because I got a call from Dimitri saying he needs to see me as soon as possible. So, of course, I took that as my opportunity to leave, after promising Gianna once again that I won't tell him, or anyone, about her secret.

I also had an epiphany. That day in my house when she appeared at the backdoor and TC dragged Dimitri out into the bathroom in a headlock, and then when they came back after she left, they told me that Arachnid one-hundred percent has a crush on me. Well, now that I know who she is, I'm starting to believe that now. I know how Gianna feels about me so obviously Arachnid will feel the same way.

I rub my hand over my face as I plop myself down onto my couch, where Dimitri has been sitting for the past forty five minutes awaiting my arrival. Soon, TC also shows up and a grimace spreads across his face when he spots Dimitri. However, a slow smirk spreads across Dimitri's face, essentially from ear to ear like in that horror movie about a stupid game teenagers like to play.

"I knew you were a good one!" Dimitri clammers to his feet and gives TC a hug. What a brave lad.

TC stands with his arms at his sides as Dimitri wraps his arms around the entire width of TC's torso and rests his head comfortably against TC's chest. I resist the urge to laugh at how funny this sight is. Dimitri literally looks like he is TC's child and his head only comes up to about TC's shoulder. I also resist laughing because I don't want TC to kill me.

"Get off of me." TC says in a low, warning tone. Dimitri loosens his grip to look at his face, and then rolls his eyes.

"Fine." He mutters and lets go completely, moving back to his spot on the couch.

Finally, I speak up. "What's all this about?" I ask, shifting my positioning on the couch. My butt was going numb.

"Apparently Dimitri has a plan." TC glances down at Dimitri, but then goes around the couch to sit on the single chair on the other side of the living room.

Dimitri sits cross legged on the couch. "Okay, yeah. I have a plan. So the next time Plasma comes to visit you, right, as she is about to teleport to go to a meeting with the bad guys, you could like, grab onto her hand or something and teleport with her and say it was an accident. Maybe you could find out some information." He rambles.

TC's eyebrows, with every word Dimitri says, knit together more and more. "That's a pretty stupid idea. He could get killed." He hisses. Dimitri sinks down a bit in his spot. "Its good, in theory, but too dangerous. We need to figure something else out, and something that will actually help us defeat them."

Dimitri glances down at his phone quickly, and then does a double take. "Uh, Arlo, pass me the remote, would you?" He says, not taking his eyes off his phone and holding out his hand to me. I toss the remote to him, and only then does he look up. He catches it and turns the TV on, switching to a news channel.

A field reporter stands in front of a crime scene, where a body lays on the ground inside a body bag. "Thanks, George and Stacy. Winona Collins here, reporting live from the city square, where a silhouetted figure, who people are calling Shadow Man, was spotted in mid combat with one of the city's heroes. The hero has been identified as Prowler, the hero with the ability to shape shift into various feline species to attack his enemies, and was unfortunately killed by the Shadow Man. The police are saying that the Shadow Man struck the hero down with a green beam of light and soon after that, Prowler was met with his untimely demise. Hopefully, whoever this Shadow Man is, will be stopped soon. Back to you in the studio." Dimitri mutes the TV before the news anchors can speak.

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