Chapter Seventeen: She's Still Insanely Hot

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Chapter Seventeen: She's Still Insanely Hot

Despite the events that occurred earlier this afternoon, Dimitri is forcing me to go to this carnival. He says I have to do this for him. That I have to be his "wingman". Yeah, yeah whatever.

I agree to go so technically he isn't forcing me but still, I'm reluctant.

We walk up to the school and see a somewhat decent looking carnival. There is actually some rides for people to ride on which is very surprising. I see from a distance the cotton candy stand and I get really excited. I love cotton candy.

Dimitri grabs my arm and pulls me to the carnival faster and drags me over to Gianna who is talking to some guy from school.

This guy is totally hitting on her.

Dimitri doesn't hesitate to interrupt. "Hi, Gianna dear, could I speak to you for a moment?" He says is a sweet voice.

"Can't you see we're having a conversation?" The guy growls.

"It's very important." Dimitri adds.

"Sorry Pete. It's urgent." She starts walking with us away from him and we head around a tent and into a little alley between the backs of two tents.

"Oh my gosh thank you guys." She breathes out in an exasperated sigh.

"No problem." Dimitri says and smiles.

"The carnival looks cool." I pipe up. Gianna looks out from the alley and looks at the carnival.

"It does, doesn't it?" She agrees.

"You did a great job." I tell her. She smiles at us.

"Thanks guys. I'm glad you could make it."

Gianna's personality has changed drastically in the past week. I don't know what it is, maybe her getting broken up with, being betrayed by Avery and Brock, or something else, but she's so much nicer and I can actually tolerate being around her. It's weird though because she reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Gianna checks her gold watch on her wrist and then groans. "I gotta go. I told one of the vendors I'd meet her at her tent because she was having a technical difficulty. See you guys later." She says and jogs away.

Dimitri watches after her and then turns to look at me. "You know, I think I'm over her now." He says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Really? But she's like right within your reach. She is actually talking to us and being nice and now you decide you're over her?" I think Dimitri is broken.

He laughs. "I know, but now that she's kind of like our friend, I guess I realized I didn't really want to date her to begin with. I just liked the idea of it." He pauses and then smirks. "Don't get me wrong, I still think she's insanely hot." He adds. I laugh and shove his shoulder.

We leave the little alley between the tents and go out into the main walkway. Dimitri and I walk around for a little while, just looking at the games and activities and whatnot. As we try and decide what we want to do I sense someone following behind us. I look at Dimitri and then turn around and TC and Plasma are walking right behind us.

"What the heck?" I grumble. "Why are you following us like that?" I ask.

Plasma starts laughing. "We weren't following you, we were catching up to you."

Dimitri looks up at TC and half smiles. "Hey big guy." He says awkwardly, making himself look smaller.

TC looks down at him without tilting his head. "Hi."

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