Chapter Eight: I Just Really Wanna Kill You

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Chapter Eight: I Just Really Wanna Kill You

"Come on, you dim wit! Just shoot the damn water!" TC shouts at me from across the room. He clenches his fists and he looks extremely exasperated. Good. He deserves it since he has been exasperating me practically the entire time I've known him.

I try to keep my cool, but fail miserably. "I'm trying!" I shout back. He growls and turns away from me, clasping his hands together and placing them on his head as he walks away slowly, breathing deeply to calm himself down. I roll my eyes.

"Arlo," Plasma coos, stepping into view, "I need you to focus, okay?" She says. I redirect my attention to her and breathe heavily through my nostrils, allowing them to flare out so that she knows I'm annoyed. She tucks her perfect blonde hair behind her ear and her blue eyes pierce mine. "It's very simple once you've done it the first time. Just put your hands up and imagine a shield of water forming in front of you." She tells me. I nod my head and try to calm my rapidly beating heart, although I only succeed in making myself unnecessarily nervous. Okay, it's time to focus now. Calm down.

I try to concentrate on building a wall of water circling around me but nothing happens. If there were a table in front of me, I would definitely be flipping it. Why is this so difficult? Come on, stupid powers, work!

I aggressively shut my eyes and make a somewhat constipated face as I try to imagine the water flowing out of my hands and creating a curved shield of water in front of me. I feel the water flowing through my body, hypothetically of course. Okay, I think I got it. I open my eyes to see if it worked, and let out an annoyed and disappointed growl.

"I can't do it." I say to myself. Plasma sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"All right. Okay, that's fine. We'll work on this more tomorrow." She replies. I glance up at her as I brush my hand through my hair, and I start walking to the door slowly.

"How about we work on this never." TC says and leans against a post in the room. "Come on Plasma, he's hopeless and you know it. I don't even know why we agreed to help him with his powers!" Plasma quickly shoots him a warning look. He rolls his eyes and flops himself down onto the couch.

"I'm just being honest here, Plasma. He really is hopeless. I mean, look at him." He gestures disgustedly to me with his hand as if I'm a dead animal at the side of the road that got hit by a truck, then run over by multiple other vehicles and parts of my furry little carcass got trapped in the grooves of their tires and dispersed along the street. My heart starts pounding in my chest, even more than before. How does this guy manage to tick me off so easily? My hands clench into fists and I feel blood rush to my face.

"Shut up, you oaf." I spit out at him. TC chuckles darkly.

"Aww, little man is using his big voice. How cute." He says condescendingly. Without even thinking, my hand raises up and I shoot a ball of water at him. A split second before it's about to hit him, he super speeds out of the way and then I feel an arm wrap around my throat.

"Never do that again." He growls into my ear. I squirm to try and get out of his grip, but all it results in is him tightening his hold around my neck. Gosh, how do I always get myself into these situations? I try to breath in but no air comes. My vision starts going spotted and slowly turns into a sea of blackness. Just as I feel like I'm about to pass out, he lets go.

I fall forwards to the ground, gasping loudly for air. I bring my hand to my neck and hold it lightly. What the heck? I turn around and see TC pinned against the wall, about a metre above the ground. His wrists, ankles and neck are bound by ropes of lightning and Plasma stands in front of him. Her hair floats slightly and a glowing purple light surges in her hands. TC stares at her wide eyed, mouth open slightly in shock.

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