Chapter Thirteen: First, Your Prized Villain

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Chapter Thirteen: First, Your Prized Villain

I sit in Chemistry class, staring blankly at my test sheet. The words become a giant blur and I can't seem to remember a thing. I couldn't properly study last night because something came up downtown and I had to go stop a villain from crushing a car full of people underneath a giant, levitating boulder.

It was fun, it really was, but then I realized that I hadn't studied for my test and that I had spent the majority of the evening trying to talk the surprisingly feisty man out of killing people. And when I say feisty, I really mean feisty. He's almost as bad as Gianna Lopez! When I finally got home from saving the world and all that crap, I only had about three and a half hours to sleep so I decided to nix the studying and risk getting a bad grade in order to get some shut eye. What can I say? I need my beauty sleep.

Now I sit here, completely regretting the decision on becoming a hero. I wipe my clammy palms on my jeans and glance around the class room. Dimitri is ferociously writing something down on his page, but I can guarantee it is 80% wrong. I look at the kid beside me and he is almost finished the test. How long have I been sitting here staring at the page?

I look at the clock and nearly crap my pants. (Ha, ha, yeah it's hilarious. Note the sarcasm. Does anyone really want to be known as the guy who crapped his pants during a test? Is that really the legacy Arlo Sanders wants to leave with the world? No.) There's ten minutes left of class! I quickly look at my page and write down as much as I can of which I think is mostly wrong, on as many questions as I possibly can.

Five minutes left.

"Okay class, stop writing and I will collect your tests." Mr. Takeshita says as he gets off of his chair and starts walking around. He collects test after test, looking at each page, scanning it to make sure questions are filled out. I tap my pencil on my desk anxiously awaiting his arrival.

He stops at my desk, picks up my test, looks through it. I look up at him and watch as his face contorts from mildly pleasant to "what on earth?". He looks down at me.

"Well," he sighs, "at least you spelled your name right." And with that, he walks to the table behind me. I groan and let my head crash down onto the desk with an uncomfortably loud bang.

The bell rings and I quickly get up from my desk, collecting my bag and binders, and rush out of the room. I speed walk down the hallway and towards the exit of the school and come to a halt in front of the wide double doors. I look through the windows of the front doors and narrow my eyes at the sight before me.

"What is he doing here?" Dimitri asks as he jogs up beside me. I shrug my shoulders and push through the doors and outside. Maybe if I ignore Whiplash he will go away.

Dimitri and I briskly walk passed Whiplash and his pylon (traffic cone) for a head of hair, and make our way down the sidewalk. I glance over my shoulder to see if we outsmarted him, and stop walking all together. Dimitri keeps walking then stops when he realizes I am not beside him.

"Where'd he go?" I ask when Dimitri steps beside me.

"I don't know, and I don't really care. Let's just get out of here before he finds us." He says. I nod my head in agreement and we both turn around.

"Hi." Whiplash says. Dimitri jumps back like five feet and falls to the ground. Okay, I guess we didn't outsmart him then.

"Jeepers! Way to give a man a heart attack!" Dimitri cries out.

Whiplash scoffs. "Man?" Dimitri frowns at this and is about to throw back an insult, but I cut him off.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles.

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