Chapter Twenty-Four: I Don't Think It's Stupid

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Chapter Twenty-Four: I Don't Think It's Stupid

The next few days have been quite awkward and weird. Gianna has been avoiding Dimitri and I, and frankly, I'm glad. After Dimitri accused me of having a crush on her, I've been working overtime to prove he is wrong. And if that means avoiding her, so be it. Now, don't get me wrong. If she says hi to me in the hallways, I'm not going to ignore her completely, I'll wave back and smile, which I have done, but I'm not going to cozy up beside her and ask her out to dinner.

I lay on my bed in my room, watching YouTube videos of people falling down on my computer, when I hear a loud knocking sound coming from outside my window. What the heck? Who is that? I push myself off my bed and peek through the navy blue curtains, and then when I see who it is, I throw the curtains open and go to unlock my window.

TC floats outside my window and looks mad, which isn't anything new, but like, I'm still scared of him. I pull the window open and he flies inside and stands in the corner with his arms crossed across his chest. For a while, he doesn't say anything and just glared at me. I'm about to ask him what the heck he wants, but he finally speaks up.

"What did you do to my sister?" He asks in a low voice. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. What did I do to her? Hah, that's funny.

"What do you mean?"

He steps closer, looking menacing. "I mean: what did you do to my sister? She's been laying around my apartment for the past three days, barely talking to me and binge watching episodes of Friends while stuffing her face full of my junk food."

A smile spreads over my face. Not a smile of like ha ha loser, but more of like a of course she wouldn't tell him. He narrows his eyebrows in a warning way and I immediately wipe the smile off my face. "Okay, listen." I start, turning away from him and walking over to the window to look outside. "Plasma messed up, big time."

He doesn't say anything so I take that as he wants me to continue, so I do. "The other day, I invited her over to get my dad to extract information from her brain about where Mindbomb is hiding. So after it was done and she had no memory of what just happened, we were all sitting there awkwardly, so I decided to get us all some water-"

"-Who's 'all'?" He interjects.

"Me, Dimitri, Plasma and Gianna." I reply. "Anyways, Gianna and Plasma seemed to be having some unspoken battle going on, and when Dimitri and I came back, the two of them were gone." TC's face is void of all emotions, but I can tell he's invested in the story now. "When Dimitri and I found them, Plasma had Gianna backed up against the edge of the building, threatening her and telling her to stay away from me, calling her awful names. Just being a real b-" TC raises his eyebrow. "bully." I smile weakly at my save.

TC lets out a sigh. "That doesn't explain why she-"

"I'm not done." I cut him off. He shuts his mouth. "I defended Gianna and told Plasma that if she wants to apologize and start being nice, she's welcome back, but if she's going to be nasty to the people I care about, she's not welcome here or around me."

TC rubs his hands over his face and says a muffled 'oh boy', before looking back at me and shrugging his shoulders. "Uh, okay. Alright. Good to know. Okay, I should go." He says, looking in a hurry all of a sudden. He walks over to my window.

"Wait, wait, hang on." I say, stepping in front of him. "I need to tell you what my dad found out."

He momentarily looks angry at me, but then he stands up straight. "Okay, what is it?"

"Plasma has been conspiring with him in the abandoned Harbour building on the East Side of town. She goes there every night."

He nods his head. "Okay, gotcha." He continues nodding his head for a while, as if he is thinking about something, but then he shakes his head. "Okay, now I can think of something. I'll get back to you in a few days." He says, and before I can respond, he torpedoes out my window and flies down the street.

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