Chapter Eighteen: How Could You

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Chapter Eighteen: How Could You

I look at Plasma and she has a weird expression on her face that I cannot describe. It looks like a mixture between approval, sadness, and excitement, but why would she be excited about this? He brother is working with the bad guy.

The ferris wheel lets us off at the bottom and I climb off, feeling furious. TC was just pretending to be my friend this whole time? And for what? So that he could have the upper hand? So he could feed the Silhouetted guy all our plans and information? What a conniving jerk.

I look around frantically for Dimitri and TC. I need to get Dimitri away from him. It's not safe.

"Arlo!" I hear Plasma call out from behind me, but I ignore her.

Finally, I spot Dimitri standing with TC near a vending machine, TC shaking it to try and knock down the drink they just bought. I walk over and grab Dimitri by the arm. Dimitri turns to look at me and his face contorts into a look of confusion.

"What's wrong, Arlo?" He asks. I turn to look at TC.

He smirks but looks confused as well. "Kid, you look like someone just took a dump on your pillow." He jokes, but I don't laugh. My face doesn't even twitch.

"Dimitri, we're getting out of here." I mutter through clenched teeth.

"What?" Dimitri yells. "I was just starting to have fun!" I glare at him then turn my attention back to TC. I see him uncomfortably glance behind me, presumably at Plasma.

"And you." I point at him. "Stay away from me, my family, and my friends! I don't want to see you again!" I don't really care if I'm overreacting, or if I'm causing a scene, because right now, I'm just trying to protect myself and the people I care about. As well as try to control the boiling water trying the shoot out of my clenched fists.

"Arlo, what the hell are you talking about?" He asks. This guy is a pretty good actor, pretending he doesn't know anything.

"You're working with the Silhouetted guy! I saw it in my dream and Plasma confirmed it!" I shout.

"What?" Dimitri and TC ask at the same time. Dimitri backs away from TC, standing beside Plasma. TC furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head, seemingly in disbelief.

"I-what are you talking about? I would never!" He stumbles over his words. I shake my head disapprovingly, walking backwards and away from him.

"How could you?" I murmur before turning to Plasma. TC stands with his mouth open and doesn't say anything else. Then his expression hardens and he looks at Plasma. She looks at me and I nod my head. She grabs my wrist, and I grab Dimitri's and she teleports us back to my house.

We drop Dimitri off at his building on our way to my own, and he was very disappointed. As am I. I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe that a guy like TC would actually all of a sudden care about me. This was just part of his mission he needed to fulfill for the enemy, and me, and everyone I care about, is just collateral damage.

Plasma teleports us into my living room. Nobody is home because my parents took Greg to the carnival at my school, so I'm guessing they'll be gone for a while. I sit down on the couch in my living room and put my head in my hands. How could I have been so stupid?

Plasma walks over and stands in front of me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and uses her other one to tilt my face up to look at her. Reluctantly, I give in and look at her. Her face looks blank so it's hard to tell what she's thinking. I turn away and exhale a sigh. Without a word, she walks away and walks around my apartment as if she owns the place. I just want to be alone so I can think. I need some time to process this, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I hear her footsteps walk towards the front hallway and I turn just in time to see her pick up a picture frame off of the table.

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